Idea posted: January 2014
Institutions: New York University Stern School of Business Carnegie Mellon University
Researchers from New York University’s Stern School of Business and Carnegie Mellon University studied the effects of product rankings in three areas: the direct impact of rankings on consumer behaviour…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #298Idea posted: January 2014
Institutions: University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School
Crowdsourcing is an expression that describes the act of taking a task once performed by an internal employee or team, and outsourcing it to a large, undefined group of people…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #296Idea posted: January 2014
Institutions: University of Toronto Rotman School of Management University of Buffalo George Mason University
Cynicism to change (CTC) is often studied at the individual level — how employees react to change. Indeed, employee CTC will impact whether or not change can be successfully implemented…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #295Idea posted: January 2014
Institutions: IMD
In his 2013 book titled The Business of Corporate Learning, Shlomo Ben-Hur writes that over the past 10 years, research has repeatedly shown that the proportion of business leaders who…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #294Idea posted: January 2014
Institutions: Cranfield University School of Management
There has been a growing trend in recent years for suppliers to differentiate their products through services, rather than solely through products. Consider the case of Apple, whose market share…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #293Idea posted: January 2014
Institutions: Rutgers University University of Pretoria Gordon Institute of Business Science
The migration of nationals from less-developed countries, once thought of as ‘brain drain’, has been ‘re-framed’. A new concept, ‘brain circulation’, has taken root — and with it the idea…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #292Idea posted: January 2014
Institutions: Center for Creative Leadership (CCL®)
Though formal hierarchies continue to be an integral part of organizational structures, in recent years individuals have been required to look beyond these towards the informal and invisible structures supporting…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #291Idea posted: January 2014
Institutions: University of Pretoria Gordon Institute of Business Science University of New Mexico Anderson School of Management
"Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu" – A person is a person through other persons. (from the humanist African philosophy Ubuntu) The ‘bottom of the pyramid’ (BoP), the world’s poorest socio-economic group, as…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #290Idea posted: January 2014
Institutions: University of Cologne INSEAD Kellogg School of Management Columbia Business School
Previous research demonstrated that a sense of power can give a person increased confidence and reduce that person’s stress — two outcomes that can only enhance the effectiveness of that…