Idea posted: December 2024
Institutions: Ashoka Canada The Systems Sanctuary
In business, to “scale” means to become larger, to grow. Scaling has been adapted to the social and environmental sectors in the concepts of scaling up (influencing policy) and scaling…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #904Idea posted: September 2023
Institutions: PWC
In June 2023, PWC released the results of its fourth annual Global Hopes and Fears Survey, in which 54,000 workers in 46 countries shared their views on future threats and…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #860Idea posted: March 2023
Institutions: University of Cambridge Judge Business School Institute for Management & Innovation at the University of Toronto Mississauga
The importance of a group’s culture cannot be overstated: generally, the group’s culture defines how members of a group are expected to think, feel, and behave. Because culture is typically…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #844Idea posted: January 2022
Institutions: Swansea University Lancaster University
Unlike other careers, retirement from a military career typically occurs when people are still of working age. As a result, many veterans transition to a civilian workplace. In an average…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #810Idea posted: July 2021
Institutions: Rutgers University Business School The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Most attempts at persuasion are met by wary resistance. People are naturally suspicious of the motives of persuaders, ready to believe that persuaders will use devious means to achieve their…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #794Idea posted: March 2021
Institutions: University of Cambridge Judge Business School Simon Fraser University, Beedie School of Business University of Victoria Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
Significant developments such as new strategies, new competitive pressures, or new leadership often require changes to a company’s organizational culture. This undertaking, however, is complicated by the amorphous nature of…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #784Idea posted: July 2019
Institutions: University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business Western Ontario University Ivey Business School Jagiellonian University
Any merger between two companies is a long, detailed, often-frustrating process in which, one hopes, the hard-earned result is a new company that represents a synergistic melding of the partners’…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #742Idea posted: April 2019
Institutions: Henley Centre for Leadership Henley Business School Deutsche Telekom Detecon International
New technologies and new attitudes about the role of business in society have rendered obsolete the business models, routines and processes rooted in the industrial world, according to a recent…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #735Idea posted: May 2016
Institutions: IESE Business School
Implementing change is never easy, but for a newly hired executive working with new people in a new culture, the challenge is even greater. Understanding the current culture of the…