Idea posted: December 2024
Institutions: West Texas A&M University Monash University
While the extent of the gender gap in leadership roles is well documented, researchers continue to seek out the reasons for the tenacity of this gap despite a consensus for…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #905Idea posted: September 2024
Institutions: Columbia Business School
Do nice guys finish last? In exploring why CEOs might be fired and who might be selected to replace them, two Columbia Business School researchers studied the impact of CEO…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #896Idea posted: September 2024
Institutions: Stanford University Graduate School of Business; MIT Sloan School of Management
The impact of corporate culture on a firm's success has been widely studied. A consensus exists among scholars and practitioners that CEOs, through their decisions and behaviors, play a vital…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #894Idea posted: June 2024
Institutions: University of Potsdam
The greatest of leaders are visionaries. They have a vision for the future of their organizations and effectively communicate that vision to their followers which inspires the followers’ commitment to…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #886Idea posted: May 2024
Institutions: University of Virginia University of Florida
Since the time of Aristotle, philosophers have been debating the characteristics of a “good life,” that is, the characteristics of a life that would be most desirable to people. Over…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #885Idea posted: February 2024
Institutions: Kings College
Conducted in waves every five years since 1981, the World Values Survey (WVS) is a global research study exploring values and attitudes in 120 countries (covering nearly 95% of the…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #873Idea posted: January 2024
One of the dominant assumptions in leadership theory is that some people are meant to lead and others are meant to follow. This assumption is based on the belief that…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #872Idea posted: January 2024
Institutions: State University of New York At Buffalo School of Management Louisiana State University School of Leadership and Human Resource Development Drexel University Management Department
One resilient conclusion from leadership commentators and observers is the connection between extraversion and leadership—that is, extraverted individuals are more likely to become leaders than introverted individuals. Leadership research, however,…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #871Idea posted: October 2023
Institutions: Columbia Business School
While the impact on employee behaviour of prosocial preferences the desire to care about others and avoid harming them is well-documented, little research has been conducted on the impact of…