Idea posted: April 2018
Institutions: University of East Anglia
Effective performance feedback is a key factor in successfully managing and motivating employees. Companies recognize that what information the employee receives and how frequently can impact the effectiveness of the…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #702Idea posted: October 2017
Institutions: ESMT European School of Management and Technology IE Business School INSEAD
Women are still a minority in many male-dominated professions, such as engineering and technology, as well as being a minority in leadership positions in most industries. Past studies have shown…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #675Idea posted: May 2017
Institutions: Ashridge Executive Education, Hult International Business School
People who are considered for positions of leadership have proven their intelligence and competence, have acquired the experience required for the job, and often display a sense of authority and…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #647Idea posted: May 2017
Institutions: INSEAD
INSEAD’s new global survey of Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z respondents, focusing on the workplace, technology and leadership, reveals the similarities and differences among today’s young professionals. A…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #646Idea posted: March 2017
Institutions: University of Illinois at Chicago Vanderbilt University Cornell University
Job satisfaction is often linked to the quality of the working relationship between an employee and his or her supervisor. A poor relationship can lead to an increase in turnover…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #645Idea posted: February 2017
Institutions: RAND Europe
People are not sleeping as long or as well as they used to. One third of Americans suffer from insufficient sleep, and sleep habits in many other countries are no…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #643Idea posted: January 2017
Institutions: Maastricht University University of Amsterdam Ghent University
While more and more attention is being paid to making work more meaningful, the fact is that for many employees, notably those dealing directly with often-difficult customers, work can take…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #642Idea posted: December 2016
Institutions: Ohio State University Fisher College of Business
The research is consistent and unequivocal: media multitasking — that is, doing multiple tasks at the same time with at least one of those tasks involving some kind of media…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #638Idea posted: December 2016
Institutions: Duke University Fuqua School of Business Duke University UCLA Anderson School of Management
Variety is the spice of life, according to the old saying. Two researchers from Duke’s Fuqua School of Business and UCLA’s Anderson School of Management decided to test whether variety…