Idea posted: April 2018
Institutions: ESSEC Business School Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Sungkyunkwan University
Creativity, once thought an innate, unteachable attribute, is now seen as possible for all. One doesn’t have to be a genius to be creative. But creativity does require the right…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #700Idea posted: March 2018
Institutions: Duke University Fuqua School of Business
Companies spend 12% of their marketing budget on social media, which is three times more than in 2009. And this trend is only going to accelerate: marketing leaders expect that…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #697Idea posted: March 2018
Institutions: Rutgers University Business School
The steadily declining effectiveness of traditional marketing approaches — from advertising to direct mail in the mailbox to email blasts — has been well-documented. Traditional marketing is too often equated…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #694Idea posted: March 2018
Institutions: Columbia Business School Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management
Many consumers find it more difficult to justify buying frivolous, hedonic purchases — in other words, purchases from fine chocolates and DVDs to vacations that are motivated by fun and…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #693Idea posted: March 2018
Institutions: UCLA Anderson School of Management University of Southern California Marshall School of Business University of Toronto Rotman School of Management
The popularity of customer review sites such as Yelp and TripAdvisor have turned these sites into an important element of a service company’s marketing package. According to the results of…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #692Idea posted: March 2018
Institutions: University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Bundling products and services together impacts the perceived value of the individual items in that bundle in surprising ways. Recent research from professor Ayelet Fishbach of the University of Chicago’s…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #690Idea posted: January 2018
Institutions: Queensland University of Technology Business School
Many companies develop their relationship marketing strategies based on the assumption that their customers are unerringly cold and calculating, and driven by one question: what kind of a financial deal…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #688Idea posted: January 2018
Institutions: Harvard Business School Columbia Business School
Marketing luxury products requires connecting with consumers’ often emotion-driven desires, aspirations, and/or fantasies. However, many consumers cannot put aside their ‘rational’ mindset, and as a result feel guilty when purchasing…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #687Idea posted: November 2017
Institutions: ESADE Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Duke University Fuqua School of Business
When it comes to business – and most areas of life – we tend to think in straight lines. For example, if one shelf holds 50 books, two shelves will…