Idea posted: August 2013
Institutions: IMD
Have you ever found yourself in the frustrating position of voicing suggestions that for some reason keep going unheard? You are not alone; even the most talented of executives often…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #192Idea posted: August 2013
Institutions: EMLYON Business School
Scholars have identified different approaches to the management of uncertainty in the entrepreneurial process. The ‘classic’ model is ‘focused commitment’. The argument in this stream of research is that making…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #191Idea posted: August 2013
Institutions: Insper
Word of mouth (WOM) behaviour has attracted a lot of attention from marketing executives in recent years, particularly in light of the increase in size, number and character of online…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #190Idea posted: August 2013
Institutions: NUS Business School
The ‘nature v. nurture’ debate has been around for centuries, argued over by psychologists, sociologists and the like; the business world has not escaped from it either. Whether leaders are…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #189Idea posted: August 2013
Institutions: Cornell University INSEAD
A review of consumer research (based mainly in North America) and of literature from marketing and related social science disciplines confirms that marketing affects food consumption in ways beyond advertising.…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #188Idea posted: August 2013
Institutions: University of Toronto Rotman School of Management
Without tools and processes, the quality of thinking from even the most diverse team is likely to match that of the loudest person in the room. Unless people are taught…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #187Idea posted: August 2013
Institutions: HEC Paris NUS Business School
New technologies and the digitization of the economy have extended the use of offshore outsourcing beyond manufacturing to services. India, which has its own ‘Silicon Valley’ in Bangalore, has become…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #186Idea posted: July 2013
Institutions: Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
A growing number of studies in both the field and the laboratory demonstrate that people are imperfect co-operators — they tend to co-operate only if others do so, and a…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #185Idea posted: July 2013
Institutions: Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
In making decisions, people are susceptible to the influence of those in their ‘in-group’, who commonly include others of the same age, sex, ethnicity or religion, as well as friends,…