Idea posted: January 2014
Institutions: University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business
The desire for high status is widely considered a universal human motive. Those with higher status tend to be listened to more, and are often perceived as having more power.…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #287Idea posted: December 2013
Institutions: Maastricht School of Management Delft University of Technology
Buying integrated services is now the dominant ‘modus operandi’ for clients in IT outsourcing arrangements. But relatively little is known about how integrated services are co-ordinated and implemented by providers.…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #275Idea posted: November 2013
Institutions: University of Pretoria Gordon Institute of Business Science
Music transforms experience … from the humdrum, the everyday, into something else … Music is used in theater, it is used in movies, it is used to ratify revolutions…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #264Idea posted: November 2013
Institutions: Vlerick Business School Maastricht University
The importance of trust to individuals and organizational teams is widely acknowledged by scholars. Recent studies, however, have started to explore its darker side in relationships — especially in innovative…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #258Idea posted: November 2013
Institutions: University of Illinois College of Business INSEAD
Many research studies provide evidence of the impact of culture on leadership. For example, the Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness study or GLOBE, one of the most extensive comparative…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #250Idea posted: October 2013
Institutions: INSEAD Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
It is important to draw a distinction between over-confidence and over-optimism in business. The former can be seen as a pejorative term, linked to arrogance and hubris, and the latter…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #246Idea posted: October 2013
Institutions: Tuck School of Business University of Toronto Rotman School of Management New York University Stern School of Business Duke University Fuqua School of Business
Academic research supports the anecdotal evidence that people value moral standards. And yet, academic research also supports the suggestion that people don’t always seem to act in concert with their…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #227Idea posted: October 2013
Institutions: Harvard Kennedy School Harvard Business School University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Seasonal depression is well-known and has traditionally been easy to recognize: difficulty concentrating, low levels of energy, etc. — all related to bleak winter weather conditions. So naturally, it follows…
READ MORE PIN TO MY IDEAS Idea #226Idea posted: October 2013
Institutions: INSEAD The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Sunk cost bias has been blamed for everything from disastrous military campaigns to over-budget public works and is widely acknowledged as a serious obstacle to effective decision-making. Defined as the…