
Leadership Archives - Page 3 of 4 - Ideas for Leaders

Talent Wins

At the heart of this approach lie two significant changes. The main task for leaders of organizations is now, not so much to lead from the front, but to create environments where change can happen most effectively, be "architects" for change in their phrase. And secondly – and perhaps most radically – the key triumvirate […]

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Crack the C-Suite Code

The results of Frangos's research is that there are four typical paths to C-level positions. The Tenured Executive – those who work their way relentlessly up through the same organization, being rewarded for their strategic and organizational abilities. This is the most frequent route taken and has much going for it, a deep understanding of […]

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The Mind of the Leader

Taking the familiar three concentric circle model of leadership: self>team>organization as their foundation the authors offer a framework they call MSC Leadership, which pulls together what they identify from their research as the three critical mental qualities leaders need to master. M is for Mindfulness. "When you learn to manage your attention, you learn to […]

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The CEO Next Door

Despite the Hollywoodesque stereotype of a CEO being "a six-foot tall, white, male, 'Master of the Universe' " type from an Ivy League school, very few actually fit that model (in fact only 7% of the authors' sample were Ivy League graduates). The authors' realisation of this provoked them to ask the question "are all […]

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Out of Our Minds

"The very title of this book is clever. 'Out of Our Minds', indicates a certain madness (in the educational system, we presume), but it is also where all creativity comes from. Robinson's crusade is to change educational practices so that creativity is fostered and creative confidence enabled. Traditional education tends to eradicate rather than promote […]

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Own Any Occasion

Palmer breaks the necessary points to focus on for a good presentation into two acronyms. The first, VOCAL, covers the five-steps you need to go through to prepare your talk. The key one is Audience, shaping your presentation for your particular crowd. One size does not fit all. Content follows, selecting the relevant and correct […]

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Inspired Leadership

So what is the formula for becoming a leader that can get ordinary people to perform extraordinarily? What is it that you need to be inspirational? For many of us that extra element might seem slightly mystical; a special manner or charisma that some people just have. Gaskell does not wholly subscribe to this view, though […]

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The Four Dilemmas of the CEO

CEO's have the option of being 'in' the business, fire-fighting and getting involved in detail and implantation issues at all levels; or being 'on' the business, defining the strategy and creating the connections and opportunities for the business to move ahead with. Those CEOs that spend more time 'in' than 'on' the business will fail […]

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The Joy of Leadership

"There's more than one way to lead, succeed and be happy" the authors note in their opening chapter – but they have identified five recurring areas of focus, with the acronym SHARP: Strength: Focus more on your strengths than your weaknesses Health: Recovery is as important for executives as athletes – you have to balance […]

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