People who are considered for positions of leadership have proven their intelligence and competence, have acquired the experience required for the job, and often display a sense of authority and strength. These attributes might have been sufficient at a time when top-down command-and-control leadership (where the job of followers was for the most part to […]
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INSEAD’s new global survey of Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z respondents, focusing on the workplace, technology and leadership, reveals the similarities and differences among today’s young professionals. A collaboration between INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute, Universum and the HEAD foundation, the survey received responses from more than 18,000 professionals and students in 16 countries, […]
Read More… from Three Generations of Young Professionals Reshape the Workplace
Job satisfaction is often linked to the quality of the working relationship between an employee and his or her supervisor. A poor relationship can lead to an increase in turnover intention — the desire or intent to leave — and eventually turnover itself: the employee quitting the job, sometimes even in the absence of a […]
Read More… from Bosses Who Treat Women Middle Managers Will Have Happier Frontline Employees
People are not sleeping as long or as well as they used to. One third of Americans suffer from insufficient sleep, and sleep habits in many other countries are no better. Insufficient sleep is a public health problem. In the United States, for example, there are clear links between lack of sleep and seven of […]
Read More… from The National Economic Impact of Lack of Sleep
While more and more attention is being paid to making work more meaningful, the fact is that for many employees, notably those dealing directly with often-difficult customers, work can take an emotional toll. This emotional toll is reflected in emotional exhaustion and low job satisfaction. Research from Maastricht University shows that mindfulness can help interactive […]
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The research is consistent and unequivocal: media multitasking — that is, doing multiple tasks at the same time with at least one of those tasks involving some kind of media — reduces efficiency. Studying in front of the TV is less productive than studying with the TV off. However, media multitasking continues to increase in […]
Read More… from Media Multitasking: Unproductive but Gratifying
Variety is the spice of life, according to the old saying. Two researchers from Duke’s Fuqua School of Business and UCLA’s Anderson School of Management decided to test whether variety truly does make us happy. At the outset of the research, professors Jordan Etkin and Cassie Mogilner proposed that time might be a deciding factor, […]
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Most people multi-task because they think they can do it well — and that they will acquire the rewards of multi-tasking, such as saving time and being less bored with a single task. The truth, a new study shows, is quite the opposite. The people who multi-task the most are the people who derive the […]
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Across the industrialized world, female workers earn less than men. In previous research and books on the subject, two widely accepted claims emerge that, it is believed, help explain the discrepancy: Claim 1) Women are less likely to ask for raises than men. Claim 2) The reason they don’t ask as much as men is […]
Read More… from Women Do Ask For Raises – But Don’t Get Them
How do you respond to stress? The common wisdom is that stress is debilitating — that is, if you are stressed, you are less effective and productive. However, a series of three studies conducted by a team of researchers led by Yale Ph.D. candidate Alia Crum (now a professor at Stanford) and including current Yale […]
Read More… from How The Right Mindset Turns Stress Into a Positive Force