Should a board hire a former or current CEO from another company to become the new CEO? In the past, companies tended to promote new CEOs from within, ensuring that the new chief executive had the vital firm-specific experience needed to succeed. Today, however, more boards tend to believe that someone who has successfully navigated […]
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Intuitively, it’s well known that sleep deprivation will impact your ability to react and think clearly. However, the true impact of sleep deprivation on the ability of employees to function can be difficult to measure. A breakthrough sleep deprivation test conducted by two researchers used alcohol consumption as a benchmark to measure the impact of […]
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A wide variety of studies have shown that organizational efforts to help employees achieve a sustainable work-life balance increase employee satisfaction, productivity, and engagement, and their commitment to the organization. One study differentiated between supportive cultures, which value non-work aspects of people’s lives and try to accommodate the work-life balance issues, and hindrance cultures, which […]
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Best-self activation is the deliberate effort to think the best of yourself. You can do this in one of two ways: 1) reflecting on situations in your history that show you at your best (e.g. highlighting your most impressive attributes), or 2) receiving stories and feedback from others that show you at your best. The […]
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A new worldwide study of nearly 20,000 Millennials from around the world revealed the vast diversity of a generation that is often mistakenly treated as a homogeneous group with one mind. The survey, co-sponsored by the INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute, the HEAD Foundation and Universum, highlights differences among Millennials from different regions of the world. […]
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Many business leaders tend to paint all Millennials with the same brush — as young people who on one hand refuse to compromise on work-life balance issues while at the same time expecting fast-track careers without ‘paying their dues’. A global study of 16,000 Millennials in 43 countries — conducted in 2014 and co-sponsored by […]
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Is sarcasm in the workplace as destructive as usually assumed? While sarcasm — in which people express one thing by saying the exact opposite — is rampant in organizations, most leadership and communication books urge people to avoid sarcastic remarks, which are considered a negative form of communication. However, a team of researchers argue that […]
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The core self-evaluation (CSE) assessment is an attempt to reconcile the variety of personality types assessments (e.g. Myers-Briggs) available. The CSE looks at four personality traits: self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control (how much one feels in control of one’s life), and neuroticism (anxiety). People with high CSE see themselves as self-worthy, self-potent, in control […]
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The annual leadership survey conducted by the University of North Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler Business School was focused in 2015 on the development of globally competent leaders. Global competence is required for success as a leader in today’s ‘flat’ world, yet many leaders are weak in this area — and companies may not be training them with […]
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To study the talent management processes of an organization, a team of researchers focused on the managerial skills required for management promotion. Identification of those skills is the key element in developing effective talent management programs. Managerial skills or attributes important for promotion can be broken down into human capital and social capital. Human capital […]
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