The greatest of leaders are visionaries. They have a vision for the future of their organizations and effectively communicate that vision to their followers which inspires the followers’ commitment to make the vision a reality. Prior studies have shown that visionary leadership fosters high levels of employee performance and engagement, and reduces the likelihood that […]
Since the time of Aristotle, philosophers have been debating the characteristics of a “good life,” that is, the characteristics of a life that would be most desirable to people. Over time, these debates have led to multiple theories of well-being a concept relevant to leadership today as the best leaders recognize the importance of well-being […]
Emerging technologies from AI to quantum computing and genetic engineering have launched a Fourth Industrial Revolution an era, accelerated by COVID-19, that is transforming the workplace. Through in-depth analyses of 1.3 million job advertisements from 2014 through 2020, a research team from the London School of Economics and Citi Global Data Insights reveal which work […]
In June 2023, PWC released the results of its fourth annual Global Hopes and Fears Survey, in which 54,000 workers in 46 countries shared their views on future threats and opportunities. About a quarter of respondents to the survey said they were looking to change their jobs over the next 12 months, indicating that the […]
The global pandemic left companies with no choice except for essential professions, where employees had to work from home. Abrupt and comprehensive, the workplace disruption caused by COVID-19 left managers in charge of a remote workforce for the first time in their careers. The shutdown of schools only added to the disruption for employees with […]
Meritocracy is an ideal that today’s organizations strive for. However, the practice of meritocracy doesn’t often live up to the aspiration. For example, studies continue to show that women and minorities are paid less than their white male counterparts. A study from MIT and Berkeley offers one explanation for why companies and organizations are not […]
In 2008, a study led by Prof. Ashleigh Shelby Rosette of Duke showed that for Americans, Whiteness was one of the prototypical attributes of leaders. As a result, Whites, seen as more leaderly, were more likely to be promoted or recruited for leadership positions. In 2022, researchers replicated the 2008 research and found that attitudes […]
In a bid to increase the agility, quality, and speed of its product development process, companies are exploring with the use of external talent through crowdworking—a form of crowdsourcing in which work is offered through an open call to a crowd of potential participants who decide whether they want to submit their work for potential […]
Work-from-home (WFH) flexibility was once available only to a select group of employees and professions. The sudden emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic forced companies in many industries to make WFH arrangements for as many of their employees as possible. This forced natural experiment allowed both companies and their employees to experience the benefits and pitfalls […]
Unlike other careers, retirement from a military career typically occurs when people are still of working age. As a result, many veterans transition to a civilian workplace. In an average year, for example, the UK workforce will include between 13,000 to 23,000 veterans. Most companies are keen to hire veterans, who bring both experience and […]