
Career Development Archives - Ideas for Leaders


2007 is Taneja's key year for the AI revolution when mobile computing (iPhone), cloud computing (Amazon Web Services, AWS) and social networking (Facebook) took off together. The last decade has seen the creation of so much data through this triumvirate that AI has been able to surge ahead in ways that the lack of data […]

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Crack the C-Suite Code

The results of Frangos's research is that there are four typical paths to C-level positions. The Tenured Executive – those who work their way relentlessly up through the same organization, being rewarded for their strategic and organizational abilities. This is the most frequent route taken and has much going for it, a deep understanding of […]

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The CEO Next Door

Despite the Hollywoodesque stereotype of a CEO being "a six-foot tall, white, male, 'Master of the Universe' " type from an Ivy League school, very few actually fit that model (in fact only 7% of the authors' sample were Ivy League graduates). The authors' realisation of this provoked them to ask the question "are all […]

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Own Any Occasion

Palmer breaks the necessary points to focus on for a good presentation into two acronyms. The first, VOCAL, covers the five-steps you need to go through to prepare your talk. The key one is Audience, shaping your presentation for your particular crowd. One size does not fit all. Content follows, selecting the relevant and correct […]

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How To Be Happy At Work

Like most management advice McKee's insight is not entirely new – but remains largely unpracticed. Her framework for organizational happiness is founded on core human psychology – the need to have purpose and hope and the need to have positive relationships with those around you. Most organizations, especially those needing to report quarterly results, are […]

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The core concept is the simple notion of 'fixed' and 'growth' mindsets. Fixed mindsets are where people believe they have certain abilities, and need to constantly prove to themselves and others, what those abilities are. In this world when things go wrong it is an immediate setback because it means you have failed to prove […]

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