
Senior Leaders Archives - Page 4 of 8 - Ideas for Leaders

Ten Steps for New Executives: Understand the Culture before Implementing Change

Implementing change is never easy, but for a newly hired executive working with new people in a new culture, the challenge is even greater. Understanding the current culture of the company is an important first step. What are the norms, values and beliefs of the company? Who are its informal leaders? Dissecting the company’s organizational […]

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CIOs: Coach and Communicate with C-suite for Digital Innovation

The digital age creates a wide range of new opportunities for innovation. Examples include new marketing outlets through social media; ‘big data’ information on customers and the market; mobile devices that connect companies to customers 24/7; and apps that redefine business models. However, not all C-suite executives have a digital mindset. As a result, innovation […]

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Does Character Add to the Success of Transformational Leadership?

Research has shown the positive impact on transformational leadership on organizational outcomes. Other research has focused on character traits of effective and/or ethical leaders. A new study from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government and Clemson University explores the combination of both character and transformational leadership on organizational outcomes. The research centred on two issues. […]

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Competition Among Peers Key to Managerial Promotions

To study the talent management processes of an organization, a team of researchers focused on the managerial skills required for management promotion. Identification of those skills is the key element in developing effective talent management programs. Managerial skills or attributes important for promotion can be broken down into human capital and social capital. Human capital […]

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