
Senior Leaders Archives - Page 6 of 8 - Ideas for Leaders

From Charisma to Autonomy: How India’s Generations Rate Leadership Qualities

Three generations of Indians are currently employed in India’s workplaces. The ‘partition generation’ (born 1944-1963, and roughly equivalent to the baby boomers) were born during times of insecurity and instability. As a result, stability is their primary goal in life, one reason they focus on maintaining cultural norms. Their name refers to the partition of […]

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A Lower Voice Can Take You Higher Up the Leadership Ladder

Research in academic laboratory settings — that is, within controlled experiments with voluntary participants — has shown that individuals with deeper voices are perceived as having more leadership capabilities. Different research points to specific qualities attributed to individuals with deeper voices, including competence, persuasiveness, confidence and trustworthiness. What happens, however, in the real world? Are […]

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How CEOs Strong-Arm Their Compensation Consultants to Get What They Want

Does hiring compensation consultants result in higher pay for CEOs? Until recently, academic studies exploring this question have yielded no evidence that CEOs use compensation consultants to justify higher pay. A new disclosure requirement from the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), however, allows researchers to better differentiate the potential motives behind the hiring of compensation consultants […]

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What Boards Think of CEOs

CEOs tend to be strong in decision-making and the financial elements of their jobs, but weak when it comes to managing their people and developing talent, according to a survey of 160 North American boards of directors and CEOs. Specifically, ‘mentoring skills’ was tied with ‘board engagement’ for first place in CEO weaknesses, followed closely […]

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