
Senior Leaders Archives - Page 8 of 8 - Ideas for Leaders

Delaying Retirement Can Be Bad for the Brain

The greying of the post-war baby boom generation and increasing life expectancy are threatening the financial sustainability of pensions systems in many industrialized countries. European governments are responding by raising the mandatory retirement age. But this could be a short-sighted strategy. Recent research suggests that working for longer can have a negative effect on cognitive […]

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The Value of Front Line Managers

CEOs are often put under the spotlight, with everything from how they spend their time to their leadership style closely scrutinized. But what about managers and supervisors lower down in organization hierarchies? These are the people that most employees directly work with, yet their ‘value’ is less discussed, which is surprising considering more often than […]

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How Women Can Be More Politically Savvy at Work

Is organizational politics good or bad, or does it even exist? This seems to be a debated topic, with many executives (especially women) finding office politics difficult to embrace.  Female executives seem to be particularly uncomfortable with incorporating political skills/behaviours into their repertoire. But it’s not just females that view politics negatively; in general, political […]

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What Do CEOs Actually Do?

In this idea, faculty from the London School of Economics, the European University Institute, Columbia Business School and Harvard Business School set out to uncover the mystery of what CEOs do all day by collecting information on how they allocate their time between different work activities. By developing a diary recording time allocation over a […]

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