
Marketing Archives - Page 7 of 10 - Ideas for Leaders

The Overlooked Longevity of Experiential Goods

More and more people are feeling financially constrained. In the U.S., half of American families recently surveyed considered themselves ‘financially fragile’. Financial constraint does not refer to income level, but to the feeling that the income is insufficient to pay for desired discretionary purchases. Awareness of financial constraints pushes people to reflect on the longevity […]

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Brand Placement on TV: The Positive Impact of Fast-forwarding

In the real world, brands are rarely seen alone.  Whether on television, radio, or in print, brands are usually surrounded by other brands — numerous advertisements fill the pages of a magazine, or a seemingly endless block of commercials interrupts our favourite TV program. In academic terms, these other brands are called ‘context’ brands, and […]

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Customer Loyalty: Easy Does It

Customer effort research has been around since the 1940s but the debate gained momentum following a 2010 article, ‘Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers’, in the Harvard Business Review (HBR). In particular, the HBR paper raised interest in how CE and, in particular, customer effort scores (CES) could be used as an indicator of customer loyalty. […]

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How Price, Time and Functionality Affect Customers’ Choices

Consumers often have a choice between products that are convenient or easy- to-use and products that offer greater functionality but are less convenient. When making a purchase that involves a longer time frame, consumers are likely to choose functionality. They are willing, for example, to take the time to learn the sophisticated software that will let them digitize the […]

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