Norwegian citizens making money abroad must report this income to two tax authorities: the authorities of Norway and the authorities of the country where they made the money. In order to avoid taxes, a number of these citizens underreport their foreign income to the Norwegian authorities — not realizing that most foreign countries send the […]
Read More… from Stopping Tax Evasion: Detection Probability Vs Moral Persuasion
Women are still a minority in many male-dominated professions, such as engineering and technology, as well as being a minority in leadership positions in most industries. Past studies have shown that women in these industries have a difficult time exerting the same influence in their organizations. One reason often cited is that women don’t appear […]
Read More… from Why Self-Confident Women Have Less Influence than Self-Confident Men
With good governance recognized as a key factor in a company’s success, the recruitment of new members to a board is a highly important and consequential task. New research focuses on the often-overlooked criteria of domain expertise — that is, whether having experts in the sector or industry of the company on the board adds […]
Read More… from In Uncertain Times It’s Best to Have Fewer Industry Experts on a Board
A company in the facility engineering industry took on a large and complex project that presented both technical challenges and was subject to legal regulations that affected customer requirements. Unfortunately, the steering committee (SC) in charge of the project never really understood the key trade-offs and risks in the project. Unaware of the technical or […]
Read More… from Supervising Projects Despite Limited Time and Expertise
With social inequality in the U.S. only getting worse and with intergenerational mobility lower than in many other advanced economies, it is clear that individuals in the higher socioeconomic levels of American society have a distinct advantage over lower class individuals in economic trajectories — that is, they are given the most lucrative jobs and […]
Read More… from High Social Class Helps Men Get Jobs, But Not Women
While more and more attention is being paid to making work more meaningful, the fact is that for many employees, notably those dealing directly with often-difficult customers, work can take an emotional toll. This emotional toll is reflected in emotional exhaustion and low job satisfaction. Research from Maastricht University shows that mindfulness can help interactive […]
Read More… from How Mindfulness Helps Service Employees Regulate Their Emotions
Implementing change is never easy, but for a newly hired executive working with new people in a new culture, the challenge is even greater. Understanding the current culture of the company is an important first step. What are the norms, values and beliefs of the company? Who are its informal leaders? Dissecting the company’s organizational […]
Read More… from Ten Steps for New Executives: Understand the Culture before Implementing Change
The hunt for innovative ideas is best achieved, according to the ‘variance hypothesis’ by leaving your office and meeting a broad range of new people in new domains. The greater variety in your network of external contacts — what is known as ‘external breadth’ — the more successful the search for ideas. Variety refers to […]
Read More… from Hunt for Innovative Ideas Externally or Internally-Just Not Both
Michael Porter gave us a process for strategy development. It was a very cognitive process (i.e., using conscious mental activities such as thinking, understanding, learning, remembering) that followed prescribed steps: gather the right data, avoid biases, and choose activities that differentiate the firm from competitors. There is one problem with the cognitive development of strategy: […]
Read More… from Why the Best Strategic Thinkers Are Both Rational and Emotional
The digital age creates a wide range of new opportunities for innovation. Examples include new marketing outlets through social media; ‘big data’ information on customers and the market; mobile devices that connect companies to customers 24/7; and apps that redefine business models. However, not all C-suite executives have a digital mindset. As a result, innovation […]
Read More… from CIOs: Coach and Communicate with C-suite for Digital Innovation