Promoting your accomplishments is necessary to advance in your career. While self-promotion increases perceptions of competence, it reduces perceptions of warmth and empathy and increases the potential for an overall negative impression. Researchers in human behavior and psychology call this the “self-promotion dilemma.” If you promote yourself, you might come across as more competent, but […]
The retirement of boomers from the workforce offers opportunities for companies to fulfill their promise to diversify their leadership by encouraging and enabling more women, LGBTQ+, people of color, Native Americans, and any other members of non-dominant social groups to move into senior roles. However, many barriers remain for this new generation of diverse leaders, […]
Building on internal and external research, the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) has developed a framework that not only measures the impact of leadership development programs but also reveals the key contributing factors that influence their effectiveness. The framework measures the impact of a leadership development program at four different levels—individual, group, organization, and society—and […]
What is charisma? Much of past research focuses on the outcomes of charisma and often within the context of leaders in an organizational setting—e.g., charismatic leaders generate emotions that inspire others to follow them. However, leaders are not the only people in our lives who exhibit charisma, argues a team of researchers from the University […]
Women continue to be vastly under-represented at the top levels of business, with recent figures in the U.S. indicating that less than 5% of major corporations CEOs are women, and less than 20% of corporate board directors are women. What accounts for this continuing gender disparity? This question, according to University of Virginia professor and […]
The workplace of tomorrow, according to a study of work in 2028, will be characterized by ubiquitous digitisation, disorientation in the face of constantly changing technology, and the continuous erosion of stability and familiarity: both life and work will be fluid and episodic with limited touchpoints between individuals and the organizations they work. Many people […]
For three Scandinavian researchers, the traditional approach to leadership almost renders the term a misnomer: the study of ‘leadership’ is actually the study of ‘leaders’ — the study of the personality traits, behaviours, and performance of (often) heroic individuals who align and inspire their ‘followers.’ Leadership, in this traditional approach, is not only embedded in […]
A new worldwide study of nearly 20,000 Millennials from around the world revealed the vast diversity of a generation that is often mistakenly treated as a homogeneous group with one mind. The survey, co-sponsored by the INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute, the HEAD Foundation and Universum, highlights differences among Millennials from different regions of the world. […]
Many business leaders tend to paint all Millennials with the same brush — as young people who on one hand refuse to compromise on work-life balance issues while at the same time expecting fast-track careers without ‘paying their dues’. A global study of 16,000 Millennials in 43 countries — conducted in 2014 and co-sponsored by […]
The conventional wisdom about Millennials declares that they all want to rise rapidly to leadership positions but without working too hard or paying their dues. They also, again according to the conventional wisdom, care more about work/life balance than the usual spoils of success: money and status. A new world-wide study of Millennials conducted in […]