
Diversity Archives - Page 6 of 7 - Ideas for Leaders

Identity Crises: Occupational Hazards for Female Leaders?

Female leaders often experience ‘identity conflict’, the sense that their identities as women and their professional identities diverge or are incompatible. The problem can be explained by gender stereotypes. Characteristics and behaviours typically expected of women differ dramatically from those typically expected of leaders. Gender role stereotypes tend to ascribe communal behaviours and qualities such as […]

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How Formal Mentoring Affects Workplace Networks

Networking has been linked to a number of indicators of individual attainment and success within organizations, including promotions and career satisfaction. But despite its acknowledged importance, little is known about the specific organizational practices that can help individuals build interpersonal connections. How do practices like formal mentoring, for example, affect workplace networks? In order to […]

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Fostering Diversity and Inclusion with Respectful Leadership

"The answer is moral leadership, or, more specifically, respectful  leadership." One of the goals of leaders is to motivate employees to perform well, work in the collective interest and define themselves in terms of ‘we’ rather than ‘me’. (See Idea Number 164, ‘Instilling Morality In Organizations’.) In this, leaders who are demographically different from followers are […]

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Leadership: Beyond the Western Model

Leading employees from different cultural backgrounds has become an everyday reality and challenge for managers. An understanding of cultural differences, as well as how these differences play out in interpersonal and group relationships, is no longer optional but a critical tool. To start with, the authors look at the assumptions typically encountered when considering the […]

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