Assessing a situation before acting may seem like common sense. After all, many languages have an equivalent of the English proverb: ‘look before you leap’. However, people rarely apply this in their daily working lives; we seldom make time to stop and reflect on our processes, and most teams and organizations are action-orientated. If you […]
The Ties That Bind: How Family Businesses Create Value
A report published in 2012, Value Creation in Listed European Family Firms, showed that listed European family businesses have created more value over the last decade than non-family concerns, achieving far higher prices on the stock exchange. Using a sample of 2,423 European listed companies monitored during the period 2001-2010, it took a much broader […]
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Mars Vs Venus: Gender and Self-Image in the Workplace
What is your view of yourself as a leader, and how does it compare to what those around you think? Recent research shows that when examining their competence as leaders in four key areas (self-confidence, self-management, interpersonal understanding, and behavioural flexibility) both sexes initially rate themselves higher than their peers do. Over time, however, peer […]
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Win-Win Negotiation to Create Long-term Value
By squeezing suppliers and customers hard, particularly in difficult economic times, you can get results very quickly. But it does have a cost of consequences. The last five years have seen a spike in instances of hardball negotiation, with companies exerting very aggressive, often manipulative techniques. Whenever there is a crisis businesses tend to look […]
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Principles of Competitive Global Talent Management
A multi-year, collaborative research study set out to examine the steps global companies can take to ensure that they recruit, develop and deploy the right people. Researchers from institutions including INSEAD, Cornell, and Cambridge University came together and analysed companies that were selected based on superior business performance and reputation. They found that in addition […]
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Crisis Management: Leadership and Communication
Even when there are contingency plans in place, crises can happen and in organizations this is when true leadership is tested. Companies like Apple, Toyota, PepsiCo and many others know this all too well, having come through potentially-crippling crisis situations. But not all organizations are so lucky or so well prepared. So what can be […]
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Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Behaviour
Emotional intelligence (EI) has been conceptualized as a key predictor for success at work and job performance in a number of studies. Salovey and Mayer’s definition describes EI as an individual’s capacity to appropriately regulate his/her emotions, which involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and […]
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Global Sales Teams and the Impact of National Culture
Salespeople are a force to be reckoned within organizations. Situated at the interface between companies and customers, they play a key role in business performance. “We don’t talk about it much, especially in France. However, without salespeople, in most cases, there is no business,” says Dominique Rouziès. “They are both ambassadors of their company for […]
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How Private Equity Can Boost Company Performance
Private equity investment, which has grown exponentially in Europe in the past decade, is more than a source of financing for enterprises, its presence in the capital of a company can also be viewed as a mechanism of corporate governance. Private equity firms tend to be more involved than other shareholders in the way companies […]
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Understanding High-Stakes High-Performers
From the point of view of a decision maker, performance in critical moments matters much more than in other moments. Psychological skills impact that performance, and the pressures faced when making a decision should also be taken into account when analyzing behaviours. To consider whether the ability to ‘rise to the occasion’ varies between individuals, […]