
Show-Up Like a Coach - Ideas for Leaders

Show-Up Like a Coach

$24.99 Inclusive of tax

A short book to change your life in the long-term. Gervès-Keen is a highly experienced executive coach who has distilled her knowledge and advice into this wonderfully short and accessible book to guide managers, executives and anyone seeking to lead people to a better way of practice.

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Author: Jennifer Gervès-Keen

ISBN:  978-738-802-00-5

Published:   2 September, 2024   by     Ideas for Leaders Publishing

114 pages;



This delightful short book takes is written for managers in organizations by the hugely experienced, award-winning executive coach, Jennifer Gervès-Keen. Jen is a highly respected international facilitator and speaker who is known for her direct, honest approach, her humour and her positive energy and this comes through in this practical yet very accessible book.

Learn more about the author here: 

Show-Up Like a Coach guides the professional reader through the essentials of coaching practice, but these skills will benefit the reader in multiple situations far beyond the workplace. As Jen notes in her introduction:

“This book is a how-to guide for professionals who need to effectively communicate with others in their organization – so, essentially, everyone in the workforce today. Corporate leaders will certainly find the core skills outlined in this book critical to their success. These tools are universal. They can be used by everyone in almost every situation, whether it’s having to give your favourite team member difficult feedback at work or it’s sitting down and really listening to your 14-year-old son at home.”

Published in Ideas for Leaders trademark pocket-book format, in hardcovers – this book is an essential companion for very manager.