
Technology Archives - Ideas for Leaders

Distance Is Not Dead: How Face-to-Face Collaborations Lead to Greater Mutual Learning

Because of new communications technologies, including a proliferation of video-conferencing options over the Internet, many have declared the “death of distance.” Geographical separation of even thousands of miles is no longer a barrier to close collaboration. Collaborators can work together on projects with the same ease and effectiveness whether they are physically located on different […]

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How to Turn Automation into an Opportunity for Middle Managers

The evolving sophistication and scope of automation and AI technology will impact the jobs of individuals at all levels of the organization. For middle managers, automation can threaten to render their jobs obsolete, leading to redundancy and the thinning of middle management ranks. From a more positive perspective, automation can free up middle managers from […]

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Resolve Workload Conflicts When Integrating New Technology

Photo by Taiki Ishikawa on Unsplash

While new technology is intended to make work more efficient and effective, it often helps the professionals in a company while increasing the workload and decreasing the autonomy of assistants and other administrative-level or lower-level employees. Finding solutions to address workload issues related to new technology is hampered by three challenges: MIT’s Katherine Kellogg studied […]

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Onboarding AI to Gain Employee Trust and Acceptance

Artificial Intelligence is both appreciated and feared: appreciated for the benefits it offers in terms of speed, accuracy and consistency; feared because many believe those benefits can render many human employees obsolete—a fear summarized in the familiar phrase, “Machines will take our jobs.” Studies show that such fears, leading to employee resistance and suspicion, will […]

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Family Firms Innovate Less But Better: Their Boards Make a Difference

We expect start-ups and high technology companies in general to be innovators. We know, in contrast, that large incumbents are likely to want to continue to exploit their past innovations rather than venture into new innovations that may cannibalize current products and/or ultimately fail. How do family businesses fit into the innovation picture? A study […]

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Business Templates that Succeed in ‘Bottom of the Pyramid’ Environments

More than a billion people live in poverty around the world, earning less than $2 a day. A billion people may be a huge market in terms of numbers but they don’t have the disposable income that can turn them into traditional customers. However, C.K. Prahalad and other pioneer academics and entrepreneurs recognized the potential […]

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Choosing the Right Innovation Partners

Companies in technologically dynamic industries — industries in which competitive advantage is built on innovation and R&D breakthroughs — seek out different types of partner firms than companies in technologically stable industries. This difference in collaborative behaviour results in different types of industry-wide networks: technologically dynamic industries have ‘clan’ networks that feature separate groups of […]

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