Do nice guys finish last? In exploring why CEOs might be fired and who might be selected to replace them, two Columbia Business School researchers studied the impact of CEO pro-social behavior—defined as caring for others above one’s self-interest on board hiring and firing decision-making. Previous research has shown the benefits of pro-social CEOs in […]
The impact of corporate culture on a firm’s success has been widely studied. A consensus exists among scholars and practitioners that CEOs, through their decisions and behaviors, play a vital role in the development of the culture of their firms. A research study from Stanford and MIT argues that a CEO’s personality is the cornerstone […]
The greatest of leaders are visionaries. They have a vision for the future of their organizations and effectively communicate that vision to their followers which inspires the followers’ commitment to make the vision a reality. Prior studies have shown that visionary leadership fosters high levels of employee performance and engagement, and reduces the likelihood that […]
People are more engaged in their work and more committed to their organizations if they find their work meaningful that is, if their work gives them a sense that they are contributing to something bigger than themselves. Meaningfulness is subjective: It is up to the individuals to determine if they believe their work has meaning. […]
One of the prized attributes of successful leaders today is “authenticity.” Research has shown that leaders who are perceived as honest and genuine and remain true to themselves positively impact the well-being of their employees, inspiring them to trust the organization, work harder, and perform at a higher level. In their quest for power and […]
Many people “make sense” of the world through their peers—that is, they seek to better understand events in the world around them by talking with and learning how their peers are responding to the events in question. This occurs when a new corporate strategy is announced by top management that is ambiguous—that is, not clearly […]
Should the purpose of corporations focus on maximizing shareholder value or on attending to the interests of all internal and external stakeholders and society in general? According to corporate purpose scholars Dorothy Lund and Elizabeth Pollman, framing the corporate purpose debate in such unambiguous battle-line terms obscures a fundamental characteristic of corporate purpose that greatly […]
Psychological safety—the belief that it is safe to take interpersonal risks within a group—is recognized as a key attribute of high-performance teams. Research has shown that when team members are afraid to share their views, ask for feedback, or take risks, the team will be less effective. Psychological safety is conceptualized as a shared belief—that […]
The leadership field is filled with suggested approaches, principles, and behaviours for effective leadership, often grouped into different leadership styles. Authentic leadership, charismatic leadership, empowering leadership, servant leadership, instrumental leadership, and transformational leadership are a few of the more popular leadership styles that proponents argue will make you effective, successful, and beloved by your people. […]
Leadership involves a dynamic relationship between leader and follower to which both parties contribute. The study of “followership,” focuses on the vital role that followers play in the leader-follower relationship and, consequently, the role that followers play in the success of the organization. For example, poor followership, such as blindly following an incompetent or unethical […]