Diverse backgrounds on top management teams (TMT) can lead to the creation of knowledge-based faultlines. These faultlines are the result of top managers clustering into TMT subgroups based on shared knowledge and expertise. Researchers debate whether these subgroups are positive or negative: some believe the subgroups allow better information processing, while others believe that they […]
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The theory of leader-member exchange (LMX) focuses on the quality of the relationship between a leader and individual members of his or team, and how that relationship affects overall performance and the leader’s relationships with other team members. Low LMX quality would indicate a relationship that is limited to the contractual obligations: neither leader nor […]
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Leader member exchange (LMX) theory is a theory that assesses leadership based on the relationships between leaders and followers (rather than the specific traits or behaviours of leaders). Thus, for example, LMX theory predicts that a trusting and open relationship between a leader and an employee will result in greater morale and job satisfaction, and […]
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When a corporate scandal erupts, the same questions emerge: What was the board of directors doing? How could it let this happen? Why were directors not doing a better job of monitoring corporate management? Failure in corporate governance is often attributed to board members’ incompetence or lack of incentive. After reviewing nearly 300 academic journal […]
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A company in the facility engineering industry took on a large and complex project that presented both technical challenges and was subject to legal regulations that affected customer requirements. Unfortunately, the steering committee (SC) in charge of the project never really understood the key trade-offs and risks in the project. Unaware of the technical or […]
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Being aware and attending to the emotions of others is recognized as one of the key skills of today’s transformational leaders — leaders who inspire and engage their people. However, when most leadership experts and researchers talk about a leader’s ‘people’ or ‘followers,’ they are tacitly referring to individuals. In other words, the transformational leadership […]
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Some people are motivated by growth goals — goals that reflect aspirations and ambitions. In psychological terms, these people are promotion-oriented. In contrast, prevention-oriented people are motivated by goals that stress responsibility and safety. The word ‘prevention’ is used since their motivation is often framed by something they want to avoid. For example, prevention-oriented people […]
Read More… from Crisis Communication: Emphasize the Positive
Job satisfaction is often linked to the quality of the working relationship between an employee and his or her supervisor. A poor relationship can lead to an increase in turnover intention — the desire or intent to leave — and eventually turnover itself: the employee quitting the job, sometimes even in the absence of a […]
Read More… from Bosses Who Treat Women Middle Managers Will Have Happier Frontline Employees
Psychopaths are manipulative, bullying, lying and egocentric people without a conscious. They use coercion and intimidation to get what they want, and never have a sliver of remorse for their deceit or the pain that they cause. Some psychopaths become criminals and end in prison. Others, called corporate psychopaths, use lies and intimidation to succeed […]
Read More… from Corporate Psychopaths: A Menace to Your Organization
The departure of a CEO inevitably leads to disruption and uncertainty — from a nervous workforce unsure of what the future will look like to the markets monitoring carefully the performance of a new leader in a new situation. Often, other top managers may decide that a leadership change is a good time to leave […]
Read More… from Succession Planning Reduces Turmoil and Economic Impact of Departing CEO