Launched in 2005, the STEP (Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practices) Project is a global research initiative involving 35 universities in various regions of the world, including 10 in Europe, that studies entrepreneurship within business families. In 2017, the European STEP Council released the results of a survey of more than 350 successful transgenerational family businesses in […]
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The best middle managers influence and inspire their subordinates to higher levels of performance. Research has shown that the secret to being an inspirational middle manager is behavioural integrity, which can be summarized as ‘walking the talk’. Subordinates become motivated and engaged when they see that the behaviour of managers aligns with what they say. […]
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In general, previous research shows a linear relationship between intelligence and perceived leadership effectiveness, with the line heading steadily northeast (the more intelligent, the higher your actual and perceived leadership capabilities). Intuitively, this would seem to make sense: you need smart people to make the right decisions, to resolve problems or even to gather and inspire […]
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What influence does a CEO’s personality have on the major strategic decisions of his or her firm? To answer this question, a team of researchers studied the impact of a CEO’s extraverted or introverted nature on his or her company’s M&A activities. The team focused on extraversion as a personality trait because of the ‘big […]
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One of the key success factors of an organization is that its executives, managers and employees or staff are able to share with each other best practices and processes, new routines, innovations and all other beneficial and important knowledge. Unfortunately, rather than the smooth and widespread transfer of knowledge, organizations find that knowledge often gets […]
Read More… from How to Encourage Interprofessional Knowledge Transfer In Your Company
Friendship in the workplace can be a positive factor as friendly colleagues collaborate harmoniously, share information easily and support each other’s work. On the negative side, friendships can also lead to ‘friendship cliques’, in which the members work closely with each other but consider non-clique members outsiders, and perhaps competitors. Members belonging to a clique […]
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What makes a good leader? The answer is often given in the context of the leader’s impact on followers — a natural response since the effectiveness of a leader is defined not by what he or she does, but by what he or she is capable of getting others to do. For this reason, theories […]
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The digital native is a myth, according to an extensive review of the research by by Paul Kirschner of Open University of the Netherlands and Pedro de Bruyckere of Artevelde University in Ghent, Belgium. Writing in Teaching and Teacher Education journal, Kirschner and Bruyckere argue that multiple academic studies in multiple countries show repeatedly that […]
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Many previous studies have examined how personal benefits or the refusal to exert the required effort (also known as ‘enjoying the quiet life’) can lead managers to take actions that hurt their companies. The recent research by Todd Gormley of Olin and David Matsa of Kellogg focuses on an overlooked third motivation for managers acting […]
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The quality of the relationship between a leader and a follower or subordinate can have a major impact on the satisfaction and happiness, and ultimately the performance of that subordinate. Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory is the theory that studies leader-follower relationship quality and its impact on the success of the individuals involved and the organization […]
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