It is useful for us to analyse levels of employee engagement in organizations both during and in post-recession environments. Here we can define ‘engagement’ as satisfaction with job and commitment to the organization. It would seem likely that a workforce would be less engaged in their work – as well as less happy overall – […]
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Research in the Center for Creative Leadership’s World Leadership Study found that overall, women are less trusting of their bosses than men are – and of their co-workers as well. This distrust is specific to the workplace though; with the study finding that women remain more trusting of people in general and in other parts […]
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With multiple social media outlets in existence, should executives spend time maintaining different profiles simultaneously, and how can this help their communication teams in general? Especially now that social media are no longer a uniquely private playground; instead, professional and private purposes have merged to create a valuable space for communicators. European communication practitioners frequently […]
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Both conflict and leadership influence the way ‘values diversity’ moderates team effectiveness. Leaders who are more oriented toward task-focused leadership create a strong situation that restricts team members from expressing their individual values, and lessens the extent to which values diversity might lead to team conflict. On the other hand, leaders who are more person-focused […]
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We know that companies need to start moving away from traditional strategies for management development, and consider the skills required to improve chances of success. Leading executive education specialists have suggested that the most important of these skills is empathy. Most leadership theories suggest the ability to have and display empathy is an important part […]
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From the point of view of a decision maker, performance in critical moments matters much more than in other moments. Psychological skills impact that performance, and the pressures faced when making a decision should also be taken into account when analyzing behaviours. To consider whether the ability to ‘rise to the occasion’ varies between individuals, […]
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During the ‘80s and early ‘90s, the concept of careers was similar to a ‘race’, with each person in the race having the same time and energy to devote to reaching the same end goal. But now, careers cannot be conceived as a linear sprint, from crouching start to finishing line; instead of racing against […]
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Better prepared leaders are the ‘need of the hour’ across the world. But it is extremely challenging to deliver an effective global leadership strategy: one that’s equally effective in one region, as it is in another. In this Idea data from the US is complemented with findings from India, China and Singapore to draw up […]
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In 2003 the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated as it attempted to re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere. The disaster was found to have been caused by a piece of foam insulation that had broken away and struck the left wing during launch. Further investigations revealed that some of the NASA engineers had suspected the damage when the […]
Read More… from Leadership Dyads: Beauty, Disaster, and the Big Five
‘Employee engagement’ has now become a major concern for companies, as a result of the massive decreases in workforce sizes. Recent challenging economic times have led employers to become more concerned about how to better engage the employees they are left with; but that ‘magic bullet’ that ensures commitment, motivation and productivity is yet to […]
Read More… from Engaged Employees: CSR, Sustainability and Performance