
IT Strategy Archives - Ideas for Leaders

How to Turn Automation into an Opportunity for Middle Managers

The evolving sophistication and scope of automation and AI technology will impact the jobs of individuals at all levels of the organization. For middle managers, automation can threaten to render their jobs obsolete, leading to redundancy and the thinning of middle management ranks. From a more positive perspective, automation can free up middle managers from […]

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CIOs: Coach and Communicate with C-suite for Digital Innovation

The digital age creates a wide range of new opportunities for innovation. Examples include new marketing outlets through social media; ‘big data’ information on customers and the market; mobile devices that connect companies to customers 24/7; and apps that redefine business models. However, not all C-suite executives have a digital mindset. As a result, innovation […]

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Cyber-Attack Catastrophe: Lessons from a Plausible Risk Scenario

The extensive damage caused by computer hackers accessing the confidential information held within a company’s information technology is, unfortunately, well documented. But beyond compromising millions of customers or accessing company secrets, a cyber attack on an SITE (systemically important technology enterprise) could be even more catastrophic, potentially damaging the global economy and undermining the value […]

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Six Imperatives for Companies to Embrace Cloud Computing

Since 2005, the business units of California-based health care company Allergan has used cloud computing for a wide range of functions, from field sales effectiveness and travel and expense processing to HR performance planning and identity management. In 2010, the company adopted a ‘Cloud First’ policy, looking for cloud computing options before buying or building […]

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