
Emerging Leaders Archives - Page 2 of 4 - Ideas for Leaders

Millennials 2: Concerned about Opportunities for Growth and Quality of Life

Growing up in an era of stagnating wages and increasing youth unemployment, one could forgive Millennials for being a bit pessimistic. This is not the case, however, according to a global study of Millennials conducted in 2014 and co-sponsored by the INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute, the HEAD Foundation and Universum. The study, which surveyed Millennials […]

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From Charisma to Autonomy: How India’s Generations Rate Leadership Qualities

Three generations of Indians are currently employed in India’s workplaces. The ‘partition generation’ (born 1944-1963, and roughly equivalent to the baby boomers) were born during times of insecurity and instability. As a result, stability is their primary goal in life, one reason they focus on maintaining cultural norms. Their name refers to the partition of […]

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Why First-Time Managers Need More Development Support

A Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) survey of first-time managers attending its Maximizing Your Leadership Potential (MLP) program offers some insight into the challenges first-time managers face. The 12 top leadership challenges, according to survey respondents, ranged from doing more with less (mentioned by just 5.4% of respondents), working with a range of employees (14.2%), […]

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Develop Next Generation Leaders: Start Early and Focus on Adaptability

The next generation of leaders will emerge from the young people entering the workforce today. The best organizations and their leaders have begun thinking about the strengths and weaknesses of this next generation: what competencies they will need to succeed now and in the future. A CCL survey of current leaders from the corporate and […]

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A Lower Voice Can Take You Higher Up the Leadership Ladder

Research in academic laboratory settings — that is, within controlled experiments with voluntary participants — has shown that individuals with deeper voices are perceived as having more leadership capabilities. Different research points to specific qualities attributed to individuals with deeper voices, including competence, persuasiveness, confidence and trustworthiness. What happens, however, in the real world? Are […]

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Facial Cues: Can We Judge Who Looks Like a Leader?

A number of academic studies have shown that because many of us form impressions about potential leaders from their facial characteristics, certain facial characteristics (for example, a ‘competent’ look) can help people achieve leadership positions. At least six different studies show that CEOs who share certain facial characteristics command higher salaries or are hired by […]

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Five Things a New CIO Must Do to Operate as a Business Leader

The increasing sophistication of communication technologies and channels, data analytics, market intelligence, and virtual working in organizations has dramatically increased the strategic importance of information. At the same time, digital literacy in the boardrooms of the organizations this affects remains far too low. This has created a leadership vacuum that the CIO can potentially fill. […]

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