
Diversity Archives - Page 5 of 7 - Ideas for Leaders

Inclusive Leadership: Aligning the Different

There are three key contexts driving the need for ‘inclusive leadership’: 1. Globalization Increasing globalization demands a new global mind-set from leaders, team members and organizations. The ability to engage with people from different cultural, social and educational backgrounds, is an essential skill for any leader.  For multinational corporations developing business in emerging economies, the […]

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Retaining Women in the Workplace

According to the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, the participation rate for women in the labour force was down from 60.3% in 2000, to 57.6% in 2012. This was despite the fact that women weathered the recent recession better than men, because of the majority of them were employed in ‘recession-proof’ industries, like health, education, […]

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Women’s Attitudes to Affirmative Action Programs for Leadership

Affirmative action programs (also known as ‘positive discrimination’) are designed to ensure equal employment opportunities in organizations, taking into account factors such as race, religion, gender, etc. They can vary from quota systems to something more informal, such as preferences during selection processes. However, though they are put in place to avoid discrimination, they have […]

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Age Diversity and Performance: Negative Stereotypes and HR Policies

Issues related to diversity in the workplace have been at the forefront of management research in recent years. Numerous studies have highlighted the benefits of, for example, including more women on boards, combating institutional racism, employing a diverse workforce, etc. Age diversity has also received much attention, with many countries enacting legislation to regulate ‘ageism’ […]

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