In business, to “scale” means to become larger, to grow. Scaling has been adapted to the social and environmental sectors in the concepts of scaling up (influencing policy) and scaling out (spreading business models). The focus on scaling up and scaling out has shunted aside a different type of scaling the transformational act of Scaling […]
In June 2023, PWC released the results of its fourth annual Global Hopes and Fears Survey, in which 54,000 workers in 46 countries shared their views on future threats and opportunities. About a quarter of respondents to the survey said they were looking to change their jobs over the next 12 months, indicating that the […]
The importance of a group’s culture cannot be overstated: generally, the group’s culture defines how members of a group are expected to think, feel, and behave. Because culture is typically entrenched and long-lasting, one may sometimes forget the origin, or antecedent, of the culture. From where did the culture of a particular group emerge? Management […]
Unlike other careers, retirement from a military career typically occurs when people are still of working age. As a result, many veterans transition to a civilian workplace. In an average year, for example, the UK workforce will include between 13,000 to 23,000 veterans. Most companies are keen to hire veterans, who bring both experience and […]
Most attempts at persuasion are met by wary resistance. People are naturally suspicious of the motives of persuaders, ready to believe that persuaders will use devious means to achieve their goal of persuasion. Previous research has focused on linguistic cues—that is, the words that persuaders can use to overcome this natural resistance. However, in their […]
Significant developments such as new strategies, new competitive pressures, or new leadership often require changes to a company’s organizational culture. This undertaking, however, is complicated by the amorphous nature of organizational culture as an invisible but pervasive force guiding how people think and behave, rather than a tangible and clearly defined facet of the company […]
Any merger between two companies is a long, detailed, often-frustrating process in which, one hopes, the hard-earned result is a new company that represents a synergistic melding of the partners’ complementary strengths and resources. Yet, despite the due diligence and careful assessment of what each side brings to the partnership, some mergers will almost undoubtedly […]
New technologies and new attitudes about the role of business in society have rendered obsolete the business models, routines and processes rooted in the industrial world, according to a recent study entitled Work 2028: Trends, Dilemmas and Choices. The study was conducted by the Henley Centre for Leadership at the Henley Business School in collaboration […]
Implementing change is never easy, but for a newly hired executive working with new people in a new culture, the challenge is even greater. Understanding the current culture of the company is an important first step. What are the norms, values and beliefs of the company? Who are its informal leaders? Dissecting the company’s organizational […]
Many CEOs recognize gender equality as an important strategic priority. However, top-level strategic priorities can be undermined if male middle managers display or enable gender bias through the type of small-scale everyday organizational practices that often go unnoticed… and become accepted as the way things are. As a result, male middle managers are the linchpin […]