Lying, or any form of deception, is a negative and destructive behavior that is proscribed in organizations—at least theoretically. ReReal-lifeypically complicates theory, and a study from the University of Chicago Prof. Emma Levine reveals that whether deception is, unwarranted and destructive is heavily dependent on the context. Levine conducted a series of inductive and empirical […]
While businesspeople have a sense of what strategic thinking entails, defining this familiar concept in specific terms is a challenge. We know that strategic thinking and operational thinking are different, but what are the capabilities and mindsets that are required of strategic thinking? A wide variety of conceptualizations and definitions of strategic thinking emerge from […]
Norwegian citizens making money abroad must report this income to two tax authorities: the authorities of Norway and the authorities of the country where they made the money. In order to avoid taxes, a number of these citizens underreport their foreign income to the Norwegian authorities — not realizing that most foreign countries send the […]
Past research has consistently demonstrated the advantages of having women as CEOs, including more innovation and the fostering of a more collaborative work environment. Despite these advantages, markets tend to react unfavourably to any announcement of a new woman CEO. One could assume that investors are simply biased against women CEOs, believing that only the […]
Enthusiasm for your job is usually an asset. However, new research reveals that on Wall Street, such enthusiasm may backfire as the rush of winning triggers physiological changes that undermine rational thinking and decision-making. Specifically, the research studies the impact of increased testosterone levels on the buy-and-sell decisions of 140 traders taking part in a […]
In December of 2005, Norway passed a quota law requiring that women make up a minimum of 40% of corporate boards. Corporations had 2 years to comply with the law. As a result of the law, the fraction of women directors went from 5% in 2001 to 40% in 2008. Opponents of the quota argued […]
Innovation is expected to come from the producer of the product. That’s the reason manufacturers have R&D departments. But more and more innovation is emerging not just from the producers but also from users and end-users. For example, many users develop modifications to video games or software that changes the product they originally bought. The […]
Personnel policies are often considered in the context of the individual — policies related to hiring, promoting, and firing individuals, for example. However, personnel policies must operate within the context of the organization as a whole. Thus, for example, the ideal career path within a company seems straightforward. The individual is hired, does continuously well, […]
Previous studies have explored the link between CEO pay and future business performance with mixed results. In some cases, higher CEO pay is linked to better results; other studies show the opposite: the companies of the highest paid CEOs perform less well, on average, than their more moderately paid counterparts. A research team from the […]
In 1997, a fire at the only Toyota supplier providing the carmaker with P-valves inspired a change of policy: from then on Toyota would dual-source every part. By 2000, however, Toyota, citing the economies of scale possible through single sourcing, once again consolidated its supply chain. Companies that experience a significant disruption in their supply […]