
Administrative Science Quarterly Archives - Ideas for Leaders

Learning from Your Peers: The Power of Storytelling

Vicarious learning, that is, learning from the experiences of others in the organization, including your peers, has always been a vital component of collective learning in any organization. Traditionally, vicarious learning was achieved through direct observation or formal knowledge transfer opportunities. However, these learning strategies are disappearing in the knowledge-intensive industries of today, where work […]

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Why Good Ideas Don’t See the Light of Day

Creativity is generating creative ideas. Innovation is successfully implementing creative ideas. Past researchers have connected creators to implementation by looking at such factors as network position: if creators have the right network, they have a greater chance of getting their ideas implemented. In his recent research, Stanford’s Justin Berg highlights another important factor in the […]

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How Political Correctness Increases Creativity in Mixed-Sex Teams

Conventional wisdom has it that diversity helps creativity, in that people in homogenous groups are similar to one another with similar ideas and therefore less divergent thinking occurs. Also most research into group creativity assumes that creativity is unleashed by removing conventional constraints. This research, from Professor Jennifer Chatman of the UC Berkeley Haas School […]

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What’s Love Got to Do with Work?

Love is not a word often found in management literature, although the consensus now recognizes the power of emotions in motivating (or demotivating) people. Daniel Goleman and others have popularized the influence of emotions in effective leadership. But even in discussions involving emotions, rarely does the word ‘love’ come up. Love in the workplace? Don’t […]

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The Curse of the Narcissistic CEO

The decisions of C-suites and boards are influenced by the previous experiences of their members. In uncertain situations, organizations gain legitimacy — and reduce the costs of experimentation — by copying others. These common-sense principles are borne out in a large body of research that points to the importance of ‘interlocks’ — i.e. previous or current ties to […]

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