Mentors with extensive entrepreneurial experience can make a significant contribution to the success of new or less experienced entrepreneurs facing the inevitable setbacks of early stage ventures. Many entrepreneurial mentoring relationships, however, rarely reach their full potential. Research from the University of Michigan, INSEAD, and the Entrepreneur Futures Network, based on an extensive survey of […]
Research has shown that creativity and innovation come from combining seemingly unrelated or irrelevant knowledge. You can create the context for combining unrelated knowledge by bringing together people with diverse backgrounds and knowledge. Thus, diversity (which might be based on race or gender but also on profession or function) is often sought in brainstorming teams. […]
Being aware and attending to the emotions of others is recognized as one of the key skills of today’s transformational leaders — leaders who inspire and engage their people. However, when most leadership experts and researchers talk about a leader’s ‘people’ or ‘followers,’ they are tacitly referring to individuals. In other words, the transformational leadership […]