
SDA Bocconi School of Management - Ideas for Leaders

Ideas from SDA Bocconi School of Management

SDA Bocconi School of Management

SDA Bocconi is the leading School of Management in Italy and also stands among the top-ranked European Institutions. Founded in 1971, SDA Bocconi School of Management is a pioneer in business education in Italy: its hallmark is innovation and far-reaching modelling that manifest itself through a wide array of executive courses and master programs.

At SDA Bocconi research means finding answers, disseminating knowledge and enhancing the School’s academic offering. Whether research is standard or applied, independent or commissioned, its contribution is widely recognized and it benefits not only the School but also students, professionals and organizations.

Rigorous, relevant and influential, research performed at SDA Bocconi is highly regarded both the financial and scientific communities. Research is not confined to the development of the School’s academic programs, but it also promotes debate, innovation and the sharing of knowledge in a variety of industry sectors. At SDA Bocconi they believe that laboratories, observation centres and partnerships support and strengthen learning, while ensuring the continuing development and persuasion of innovation.

Research is centred around Research Labs. They include:

  • Osservatorio di Revisione is an auditing observation centre.
  • OCAP (Osservatorio sul Cambiamento delle PA) focuses on changes in public administration.
  • OSSFIN (Osservatorio sugli intermediari finanziari specializzati nel leasing, factoring e credito al consume) focuses on the financial intermediaries that specialize in leasing, factoring and consumer credit.
  • OBI (Osservatorio Business Intelligence) gathers professionals and organizations who work to share business intelligence.
  • Osservatorio sul Diversity Management is a network of companies whose mission is to manage diversity.
  • Osservatorio Vino – Mercati & innovazione nella filiera enologica offers companies valuable insight into how the wine-making industry is evolving in foreign markets.
  • Il Laboratorio Private Equity e LBO promotes collaboration between companies and the financial market in order to increase transparency and knowledge of the private equity sector, while remaining an independent reference point for both.
  • The China Lab promotes research and debate between students, companies, faculty and researchers on the economic and entrepreneurial opportunities in the Chinese market.
  • OFC (Osservatorio Fiscale e Contabile) is an accounting and tax policy research lab dedicated to promoting efficient policies and issuing strategic recommendations on regulations that pertain to the taxation, administration, control and accounting of individual and group companies.
  • Osservatorio Solvency II Operational Transformation studies the impact of prudential regulations for insurance companies
  • Osservatorio Manager Insight performs research in the area of competition, in particular how this is perceived and handled by managers.

Click here to learn more about SDA Bocconi’s research.

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