
Values Archives - Ideas for Leaders

Scaling Deep: How Focusing on Caring, Connected Ecosystems Transforms Organizations

In business, to “scale” means to become larger, to grow. Scaling has been adapted to the social and environmental sectors in the concepts of scaling up (influencing policy) and scaling out (spreading business models). The focus on scaling up and scaling out has shunted aside a different type of scaling the transformational act of Scaling […]

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Reward Executives for Environmental and Social Success

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

A significantly increasing number of companies—from 3% in 2010 to more than 30% in 2021—are incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics, in their executive compensation plans. The number of global companies incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics—e.g., lower carbon emissions, greater diversity, or a positive, effective company culture—in their executive compensation plans have […]

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Can Companies Choose Their Corporate Purpose?

Photo by David Iskander on Unsplash

Should the purpose of corporations focus on maximizing shareholder value or on attending to the interests of all internal and external stakeholders and society in general? According to corporate purpose scholars Dorothy Lund and Elizabeth Pollman, framing the corporate purpose debate in such unambiguous battle-line terms obscures a fundamental characteristic of corporate purpose that greatly […]

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How Social Activist Roles in Companies Become Deradicalized

Photo by Leonardo Basso on Unsplash

Social movements in society lead to transformations in the companies and organizations within that society. The environmental movement led to environmentally friendly practices and processes, for example. Movements for the rights of women and minorities led to efforts by companies to promote women and diversify their workforces. While companies will face pressure from outside groups […]

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Diversity-Friendly Work Approaches in the Post-Pandemic Workplace

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

In November 2020, the advocacy group Women in Banking and Finance launched a four-year research program, entitled Accelerating Change Together, to address gender and diversity issues in the financial and professional services sectors. WIBF commissioned the London School of Economics The Inclusion Initiative, led by LSE Prof. Grace Lordan, to conduct research on its behalf. […]

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