
Team Building and Teamwork Archives - Ideas for Leaders

Distance Is Not Dead: How Face-to-Face Collaborations Lead to Greater Mutual Learning

Because of new communications technologies, including a proliferation of video-conferencing options over the Internet, many have declared the “death of distance.” Geographical separation of even thousands of miles is no longer a barrier to close collaboration. Collaborators can work together on projects with the same ease and effectiveness whether they are physically located on different […]

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Why Extraverts Don’t Necessarily Make Good Leaders

Photo by Alex Vasey on Unsplash

One resilient conclusion from leadership commentators and observers is the connection between extraversion and leadership—that is, extraverted individuals are more likely to become leaders than introverted individuals. Leadership research, however, continuously calls into question this conclusion. Consistently over time, the results are mixed: some research will show a link between extraversion and leadership, and other […]

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“I respect your opinion”: How to Improve the Exchange of Opposing Views

Photo by The Jopwell Collection on Unsplash

Individuals engaged in contentious conversations about controversial issues rarely communicate to others in the discussion that they are willing to respectfully consider opposing viewpoints—what social scientists “receptiveness.” One reason may be that these individuals are indeed not “receptive” to contrary opinions. Another reason, however, may be that they do not know how to communicate their […]

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Leaders’ Management of Team Emotions Key to Agile Success

Photo by Domingo Alvarez E on Unsplash

The agile management approach, which began as a project management approach in the field of software product development, rejects rigid structures and processes in favour of customer-focused incremental processes that respond and adapt continuously to changing developments and customer feedback. Numerous methodologies have been developed to ensure the flexibility and responsiveness at the heart of […]

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Followers Can Fix the Damage of Leadership Incompetence

Statue of Don Quijote and Sancho Panza in Brussels (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Leadership involves a dynamic relationship between leader and follower to which both parties contribute. The study of “followership,” focuses on the vital role that followers play in the leader-follower relationship and, consequently, the role that followers play in the success of the organization. For example, poor followership, such as blindly following an incompetent or unethical […]

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