Lying, or any form of deception, is a negative and destructive behavior that is proscribed in organizations—at least theoretically. ReReal-lifeypically complicates theory, and a study from the University of Chicago Prof. Emma Levine reveals that whether deception is, unwarranted and destructive is heavily dependent on the context. Levine conducted a series of inductive and empirical […]
A seminal 2007 study on work design tests the impact of 14 work characteristics including motivational (e.g. autonomy), social (e.g., feedback from others), and work context (e.g., physical demands) characteristics on 19 work outcomes. These work outcomes included behavioural (e.g., performance, absenteeism), attitudinal (e.g., job satisfaction, promotion satisfaction, internal work motivation), and well-being (e.g., anxiety, […]
The benefits of empowering employees by creating policies, practices, and structures to give frontline and lower-level employees and managers greater decision-making authority concerning their jobs and responsibilities were first introduced in the 1970s. In 2011, a team of researchers conducted a massive analysis of previous research related to the topic of psychology to create a […]
Promoting your accomplishments is necessary to advance in your career. While self-promotion increases perceptions of competence, it reduces perceptions of warmth and empathy and increases the potential for an overall negative impression. Researchers in human behavior and psychology call this the “self-promotion dilemma.” If you promote yourself, you might come across as more competent, but […]
The greatest of leaders are visionaries. They have a vision for the future of their organizations and effectively communicate that vision to their followers which inspires the followers’ commitment to make the vision a reality. Prior studies have shown that visionary leadership fosters high levels of employee performance and engagement, and reduces the likelihood that […]
Since the time of Aristotle, philosophers have been debating the characteristics of a “good life,” that is, the characteristics of a life that would be most desirable to people. Over time, these debates have led to multiple theories of well-being a concept relevant to leadership today as the best leaders recognize the importance of well-being […]
One of the prized attributes of successful leaders today is “authenticity.” Research has shown that leaders who are perceived as honest and genuine and remain true to themselves positively impact the well-being of their employees, inspiring them to trust the organization, work harder, and perform at a higher level. In their quest for power and […]
While the impact on employee behaviour of prosocial preferences the desire to care about others and avoid harming them is well-documented, little research has been conducted on the impact of prosocial behaviour on managerial behaviour. A study from Columbia University reveals that prosocial preferences can influence the strategic decisions of business leaders and owners (summarized […]
A wide-ranging overview of related psychological studies reveals that, without exception, bad has a greater impact than good, no matter the context. Here is some of the evidence presented by the researchers: Reacting to Events: Studies demonstrate that a major negative event has a lasting impact on an individual; a major positive event results in […]
After we have finished a compelling book or a film, the narrative of the story will linger in our minds. This lingering is involuntary: we do not choose or decide to think about the story. Emotional experiences and social interactions, research has shown, have the same lingering impact after their occurrence. A study by a […]