Because of new communications technologies, including a proliferation of video-conferencing options over the Internet, many have declared the “death of distance.” Geographical separation of even thousands of miles is no longer a barrier to close collaboration. Collaborators can work together on projects with the same ease and effectiveness whether they are physically located on different […]
The business world has increasingly accepted the concept of a corporate purpose that extends beyond profit and shareholder value. More and more companies recognize that their core purpose is to benefit all stakeholders, including customers, employees, and suppliers, as well as their communities and society at large. Sustainability is a key element in a company’s […]
Your thoughts and feelings impact how you interpret what is happening around you. You might, for example, receive a vague email from your boss asking for a meeting. For hours, you stress about why he or she wants a meeting, imagining a variety of worst-case scenarios. In the end, the meeting is rather innocuous—no big […]
People are not sleeping as long or as well as they used to. One third of Americans suffer from insufficient sleep, and sleep habits in many other countries are no better. Insufficient sleep is a public health problem. In the United States, for example, there are clear links between lack of sleep and seven of […]
While more and more attention is being paid to making work more meaningful, the fact is that for many employees, notably those dealing directly with often-difficult customers, work can take an emotional toll. This emotional toll is reflected in emotional exhaustion and low job satisfaction. Research from Maastricht University shows that mindfulness can help interactive […]
Variety is the spice of life, according to the old saying. Two researchers from Duke’s Fuqua School of Business and UCLA’s Anderson School of Management decided to test whether variety truly does make us happy. At the outset of the research, professors Jordan Etkin and Cassie Mogilner proposed that time might be a deciding factor, […]
Most people multi-task because they think they can do it well — and that they will acquire the rewards of multi-tasking, such as saving time and being less bored with a single task. The truth, a new study shows, is quite the opposite. The people who multi-task the most are the people who derive the […]
Based on extensive research, the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory was developed in the late 1990s as an assessment tool for learning power. Specifically, the ELLI model identified seven qualities or dimensions necessary for learning: the five ‘active’ learning power dimensions of strategic awareness, creativity, curiosity, meaning making and changing and learning; the learning relationships dimension; […]
An organization’s activities can be divided between exploitation — the day-to-day operations of the organization as well as strategic planning and implementation — and exploration — acquiring and using new knowledge, ideas and insights, which can lead to new products, new technologies, or new markets. Previous research has shown that social capital — the breadth and […]
Executives cannot afford to ignore the dangers posed by acting overconfidently. Numerous examples in recent history can attest to this, from the inflation of the dot-com bubble in the late 1990s, to the housing boom pre-2008. Fortunately, overconfidence is not a universal problem; it is only likely to be a problem in certain situations. Identifying […]