The research is consistent and unequivocal: media multitasking — that is, doing multiple tasks at the same time with at least one of those tasks involving some kind of media — reduces efficiency. Studying in front of the TV is less productive than studying with the TV off. However, media multitasking continues to increase in […]
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How much does the personality of a CEO impact his or her decision-making and the performance of the firm? A team of researchers explored connections between the personality traits of more than 4500 CEOs and their investment and financing decisions and the performance of their firms. Their study offers a glimpse into how personality can […]
Read More… from How CEO Personality Impacts on Firm Performance
Behind all human progress is the question: What’s Next? Asking “What’s Next?” led humankind from the invention of the wheel to the building of the pyramids, the establishment of common laws, the printing press, the founding of universities, coinage and commerce, steamboats, passenger trains, the light bulb, space travel and, most recently, the iPhone. But […]
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Traditional leadership development focuses on adding more information, skills and competencies to a leader’s toolkit. Thus the leader might learn new ways to develop staff, for example, or new methodologies for communicating more effectively. Vertical development, according to CCL’s Nick Petrie, takes a radically different approach. The goal of vertical development is not to add […]
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Many companies make an effort to promote and compensate their employees based on performance rather than, as in the past, seniority. Specifically, companies will implement merit-based routines and written policies and performance management systems, all with the goal of ensuring that the most effective and successful employees and managers are compensated based on their performance. […]
Read More… from Meritocracy at Work: Well-Intention Systems Can Cause the Reverse
Logically, the percentage of work that each team member contributes to a team project cannot add up to more than 100%. For example, if both authors of an academic paper insist that they did 75% of the work, the total work accomplished would be 150%. The inescapable conclusion is that one or both of them […]
Read More… from Beware of Egocentricity Causing Team Members to Overestimate their Value
Companies have both short-term and long-term responsibilities: they must be successful in the present while preparing for the future. While many companies believe they are managing these two priorities effectively, in truth, the urgency of the exploiting the present — launching marketing campaigns, resolving customer service issues or managing the supply chain, for example — […]
Read More… from Build Ambidextrous Teams to Combine Present and Future Objectives
When Indiana passed its Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in March of 2015, Apple CEO Tim Cook’s response was swift and unequivocal. “Apple is open for everyone. We are deeply disappointed in Indiana's new law,” he tweeted. While supporters insisted that the law was only intended to allow business owners and others to make decisions […]
Read More… from CEOs Can Galvanize Public Opinion-and Help Business
Most people make moral judgements intuitively: we feel what is right or wrong. For example, imagine a dilemma in which a runaway trolley is racing toward five people, who will be killed if the trolley is not stopped. A man named Adam stands on a footbridge overlooking the trolley tracks. In an effort to save […]
Read More… from We Trust People Who Believe in Absolute Moral Rules
Implementing change is never easy, but for a newly hired executive working with new people in a new culture, the challenge is even greater. Understanding the current culture of the company is an important first step. What are the norms, values and beliefs of the company? Who are its informal leaders? Dissecting the company’s organizational […]
Read More… from Ten Steps for New Executives: Understand the Culture before Implementing Change