Employee performance plays a vital role in the success of a service brand. In this Idea, faculty from HEC, WHU–Otto Beisheim School of Management and University of St. Gallen set out to examine what type of leadership is required to stimulate employees to build and strengthen an organization’s brand image. In internal marketing and brand […]
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Diversity management has become a key instrument for employers in recent years. University graduates around the world are no longer predominantly white males, and most companies now have a diversity policy document, with the larger ones also instating Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Officers. However, companies nevertheless face a triple hurdle in implementing diversity management policies, […]
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What are the patterns and signs that relate to how failure at the C-Suite level can be prevented? Well, there is no consensus as to what constitutes ‘failure’, but nevertheless this Idea does shed some light on the obscure circumstances surrounding CEO performance. ‘CEO failure’ can be broadly described as “the inability of a CEO […]
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In recent years, the capability to lead teams under extreme pressure has become an important asset for leaders. In fact, developing competencies that can assist in leadership during a crisis is now mandatory. With greater natural demand, business schools have been challenged to reconsider and revisit the characteristics and challenges of crisis leadership; with near […]
Read More… from Crisis As Opportunity: Leadership, Change and Renewal
Gaining and retaining influence will forever be a vital component of leadership and this Idea shows that listening has a positive association with influence, over and above verbal expression. "We can process language at 300 to 500 words per minute; however, most people speak around 100 words per minute. The extra capacity makes it difficult […]
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What is ‘shared leadership’? How is it fostered and developed, and what insight can be taken from musicians about this phenomena? This Idea looks at the performance practices of musicians and the leadership challenges that arise in this field to explain why a single responsible leader within a hierarchical system can lead to problems within […]
Read More… from Ensemble Leadership: Lessons from the Orchestra Pit
Change is frequently experienced as a risky transition in today’s organizations. The impact of the failure of a change initiative can be high; as such, managers and leaders have to get to grips with what change is about, and learn how to manage it successfully. Recognizing this and drawing on research by members of Cranfield […]
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The image of an effective leader has traditionally embodied an archetypal male; displaying traits such as assertiveness, competitiveness and self-confidence. The problem for women who seek to project those traits is that people judge men and women very differently. There exists a ‘dual standard’. We have different ‘thresholds’ for these traits, and crossing them can […]
Read More… from How Women Leaders Can Avoid the Gender Trap
Most companies now understand the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and recognize it as a tool to strengthen their businesses while contributing to society at the same time. The challenge they now face is how to deliver CSR strategies and create real value. This Idea offers suggestions to help executives move towards policies that […]
Read More… from CSR: Creating Value through Partnerships
What is it exactly that makes a Chief Information Officer (CIO) successful? Setting out to examine the factors that determine growth and acceleration in a CIO’s career, the authors of the white paper referenced here looked at both the personal characteristics of 14 CIOs, and the environmental factors that enabled them to seize and achieve […]
Read More… from Chief Information Officers: Secrets to Success