Decision-making is perhaps the essence of management, and much attention continues to be focused on how to do it better. In this Idea we consider whether managers are making the facts-based decisions they seek to make. There is research that suggests that evidence is not as frequent an input to a decision process as suggested […]
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Finding ways to generate more value from employees and optimize talent is critical for leaders and HR professionals. Organizations could get even more from their investments in talent management if they focused on collaboration. That is why leaders need to be aware of how collaboration takes place among top performers and key experts in their […]
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A research study set out to examine how effective extraverted leadership actually is on group performance, and what characteristics on the part of employees also play a role in this. This is extraversion as described as ‘a tendency to engage in behaviours that place oneself at the centre of attention, such as seeking status and […]
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Traditionally, more men than women have emerged in leadership positions. But over the past few decades, this has steadily been changing. An increasing number of women are taking top leadership roles; as of January 2013, 21 of the 500 Fortune 500 CEOs were female — a milestone for corporate America. But look at the situation […]
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Leaders can have a ripple effect through their company, particularly those in the C-suite; their actions reverberate throughout the organization, with followers sometimes even mimicking them. The CEO of BAE Systems learnt this quickly as she noticed a dozen women in her office imitated the way she tied her scarf after her first day on […]
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Is organizational politics good or bad, or does it even exist? This seems to be a debated topic, with many executives (especially women) finding office politics difficult to embrace. Female executives seem to be particularly uncomfortable with incorporating political skills/behaviours into their repertoire. But it’s not just females that view politics negatively; in general, political […]
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Even when there are contingency plans in place, crises can happen and in organizations this is when true leadership is tested. Companies like Apple, Toyota, PepsiCo and many others know this all too well, having come through potentially-crippling crisis situations. But not all organizations are so lucky or so well prepared. So what can be […]
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"What makes a good leader?" is one of the most asked and researched questions of the past few decades. Finding a convincing answer is both more important now than ever and more difficult because we live in a world where an increasing amount of information is being produced and communicated. According to Professor Patrick Bolton, […]
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Emotional intelligence (EI) has been conceptualized as a key predictor for success at work and job performance in a number of studies. Salovey and Mayer’s definition describes EI as an individual’s capacity to appropriately regulate his/her emotions, which involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and […]
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Stepping away from the traditional, overwhelming lists of ideal characteristics for leaders, let’s examine how leadership actually happens. The ‘whole system’ perspective in this Idea, show us that leadership happens in the interactions and exchanges among people with shared work. Specifically, we can highlight three outcomes those interactions should yield: making direction, alignment, and commitment […]
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