Building on the latest research on leadership, as well as scores of interviews with CEOs and other leaders, Professor of Strategy and Leadership Sydney Finkelstein of Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business has identified four key capabilities that he argues are essential to strategic leadership. The first is intellectual honesty, that is, the capability of the […]
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CEOs are often put under the spotlight, with everything from how they spend their time to their leadership style closely scrutinized. But what about managers and supervisors lower down in organization hierarchies? These are the people that most employees directly work with, yet their ‘value’ is less discussed, which is surprising considering more often than […]
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The industrial age bought with it bureaucratic principles of work organization. Things we now consider commonplace were considered major innovations, such as employing staff in an official capacity, building hierarchies of authority and task-specialized division of labour. This model served well during that time, but now we are on the midst of an information ‘revolution’; […]
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This research sought to learn more about the strategic, functional and tactical priorities of marketers for the future. What they found was a rapidly changing focus in marketing strategies, and a sharp divergence between British and continental European firms. The survey results indicate three top marketing priorities for companies in 2013: Taking advantage of the opportunities […]
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Executives and managers recognize today that discrimination has no place in the workplace. No employee should be required to work in an environment of abuse and harassment — including in the form of overhearing derogatory comments about his or her race, nationality or another other specific demographic. Discrimination is not just wrong for moral reasons, […]
Read More… from Unseen Dangers of Positive Stereotyping
Success in business is no longer about simply becoming bigger or richer than one’s competitors. It is about being able to deal with increasing levels of complexity, including the management of that which is core to our human nature, our values. In the 21st century’s global arena, and in the wake of corporate scandals, wars, […]
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The importance and value of corporate sustainability has been acknowledged for quite some time now. More and more organizations are striving to introduce ‘green’ and policies into their strategic plans. Now, new research suggests that the secret to better sustainability performance lies in having more women on the board. In a study sponsored by KPMG […]
Read More… from Female Directors Create Corporate Sustainability
Virtuousness is more common to theological and philosophical discussions that scientific ones: Its relevance in the world of work and in organizations has little credence in the face of economic pressures and stakeholder demands… little agreement exists regarding its definition and attributes. Most articles focus on the debate about whether or not virtuousness actually exists… […]
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In traditional Chinese Confucian culture, an emphasis is placed on the development, maintenance, and exploitation of social networks, which depend on reciprocity, integrity, and the highest individual ethical standards. In China, inter-firm relationships (such as supplier/buyer relationships) cannot be well understood without recognition of this. The research here suggests that ethical leadership not only affects […]
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Collaboration has turned traditional leadership and project management on its head in recent years. In this Idea we examine how leaders and managers can benefit from a collaborative model for implementing complex projects in organizations. In traditional project management, each phase of the project is dealt with thoroughly before moving to the next. Collaboration, however, […]
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