
Leadership Archives - Page 14 of 24 - Ideas for Leaders

Inclusive Leadership: Aligning the Different

There are three key contexts driving the need for ‘inclusive leadership’: 1. Globalization Increasing globalization demands a new global mind-set from leaders, team members and organizations. The ability to engage with people from different cultural, social and educational backgrounds, is an essential skill for any leader.  For multinational corporations developing business in emerging economies, the […]

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Be a Learning Leader

Leaders drive the process of organizational learning and adaptation by providing time and space, granting the freedom to explore and fail, and by encouraging those around them to look at things in new ways.  This research examines the characteristics of a core set of leadership relationships, providing insights to help leaders reflect on their own […]

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Creating Shared Value Using Inter-Organizational Networks

Creating positive societal and environmental impact whilst retaining competitiveness has become an increasingly popular concept for companies in recent years—also known as ‘creating shared value.’ A term first coined by Harvard Business School’s Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer in 2011, creating shared value refers to policies and practices that enhance the competiveness of […]

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How Reference Points Motivate Us

The use of reference points — for example, a monthly sales quota of 20 sales — is at the heart of reference-dependent behavioural economic theories, the most influential being “prospect theory.” According to prospect theory, an outcome is evaluated based on a reference point. Failure to achieve the reference point (19 sales instead of 20) […]

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How to Lead Virtual Teams

Virtual teams, made necessary by globalization and possible by technology, are now common in business. They’ve taken over traditional functions such as procurement, manufacturing, IT and finance, as well as newer activities such as global supply chain and global service delivery. They’re often assembled for new-product development and R&D. And they’re increasingly found at the […]

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An Holistic Approach to Leadership Development

Traditionally, research on leadership development has put behavioural competencies under the spotlight; training, coaching, on-the-job experiences and mentoring are all intended to facilitate the development of these behaviours. But are these models too simplistic and incomplete for today’s complex business environment? In a White Paper published by the Center for Creative Leadership, Marian N. Ruderman, […]

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How Transformational Leaders Use Self-deprecating Humour

While a sense of humour can be an effective leadership tool, it depends on how that humour is used. Humour that targets or belittles followers undermines the leader’s influence. On other hand, humour that is self-deprecating can increase the connection between a leader and his or her followers. Self-deprecating humour is especially potent for transformational […]

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Profits Vs Principles: Market Competition and Moral Transgression

Why do unethical practices become ‘normalized’ in some organizations? Why do errant employees sometimes go unpunished for long periods of time? These are questions that many people will have asked in the wake of the phone hacking scandal at News of the World and the recent interest-rate-rigging scandals at major banks. One explanation is that […]

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