Recent decades have seen increased focus on corporate governance and business ethics — and an increased number of ethics-based courses at business schools. While this is true of countries across the world, South Africa can be considered a special case. In South Africa, dramatic changes to the corporate governance regime have coincided with — and, […]
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Research suggests that executives tend to learn more from negative work and life experiences than positive ones, as failures and the threat of failure may force an individual to revisit the way they do things; positive experiences and successes, on the other hand, may lead to complacency. So what happens in your brain during such […]
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In his 2013 book titled The Business of Corporate Learning, Shlomo Ben-Hur writes that over the past 10 years, research has repeatedly shown that the proportion of business leaders who report being satisfied with their learning function’s performance has steadfastly remained as little as 20%. For an industry worth over $200 billion per year globally, […]
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The need to develop strong leaders and competent managers has increased over the past few years, as technological advances and economic uncertainties have created a more competitive business environment than ever before. But though substantial investment is being poured into leadership development programs, do they actually have a tangible impact on individual and business performance? […]
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Many research studies provide evidence of the impact of culture on leadership. For example, the Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness study or GLOBE, one of the most extensive comparative leadership research projects, has recently shown that while ideal characteristics are the same in all countries, some leadership styles are endorsed more in some cultures […]
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Latin America has been enjoying stable growth in recent years. In January 2013, the BBC reported that the region’s economic growth had outstripped that of Europe for the past eight years. Now, it is time for Latin American organizations to take an international approach to developing leadership capacity, say faculty from the Center for Creative […]
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As ambitious executives seek guidance, and senior executives realise the importance of helping the people who work in their organizations reach their full potential, the practice of leadership coaching and mentoring is becoming mainstream. Shared knowledge and experience can help people achieve their goals and solve problems. Mentoring can add significant value to organizations, improving […]
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Group coaching is known to help break down barriers to communication, build trust and solve specific and practical problems in organizations. An interpersonal learning process, it can create the impetus for change. Its effects can be explained by psychology and psychodynamics. Good coaches use the ‘clinical paradigm’ as a conceptual framework for group sessions. They recognise […]
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Have you ever found yourself in the frustrating position of voicing suggestions that for some reason keep going unheard? You are not alone; even the most talented of executives often reach such a stage in their careers where they find themselves short of the power and influence needed to get things done. Such power deficits […]
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What can classical Chinese philosophy teach the West about leaders and leadership? A lot, according to the author of this paper; Western leaders can, amongst many things, learn how to act in harmony with situations and do what is required, learn how not to abuse power and cultivate “refined” behaviour, all through an understanding of […]
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