
Culture Change Management Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Ideas for Leaders

Three Sets of Values that Can Inspire a Culture for Innovation

Innovation is central to a firm’s survival. In a world of demanding customers, myriad choices, and constant change, a company must build its competitive advantage on its ability to innovate. However, while espousing the importance of innovation to their employees and managers, companies are finding that they are failing to create a passion for innovation […]

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Corporate Values: Translating Platitudes into Sustainable Practices

Organizational values can exemplify the old saying that “words are cheap.” Inspiring words about ethics, diversity or sustainability etched on a lobby wall mean nothing if they are not reflected in the performance of actual practices within the organization. While such practices might seem to be developed and formulated at the top management level and […]

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How Seeing Things Employees-Way Builds Performance

If you could eavesdrop on your employees’ conversations, what do you think they would be saying about you? Or if you look back over your own career, considering the good and the bad bosses, how would you describe them? ‘Inspirational’, ‘empathic’, ‘open to new ideas’, or ‘controlling’, ‘autocratic’, and ‘micromanaging’? Whatever the answers, there is […]

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Outsider CEOs and Strategic Change

While the commonly accepted wisdom is that new CEOs from the outside will be in a better position to bring change to an organization, the record indicates otherwise. They often fail. Ayse Karaevli of the WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, and Edward Zajac of Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management challenge the conventional wisdom and […]

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Avoiding the Acceleration Trap

Perhaps at one time, ‘corporate burnout’ was attributed to few, mostly C-suite executives. Now, it is much more commonly experienced by employees at all levels of an organization. Increased competition and market pressures means organizations frequently take on more in terms of activities, goals, technologies, etc. than they can handle for a sustained period of […]

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Embedding Diversity: Three Key Steps

Diversity management has become a key instrument for employers in recent years. University graduates around the world are no longer predominantly white males, and most companies now have a diversity policy document, with the larger ones also instating Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Officers. However, companies nevertheless face a triple hurdle in implementing diversity management policies, […]

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