
Corporate Strategy Archives - Ideas for Leaders

How to Turn Automation into an Opportunity for Middle Managers

The evolving sophistication and scope of automation and AI technology will impact the jobs of individuals at all levels of the organization. For middle managers, automation can threaten to render their jobs obsolete, leading to redundancy and the thinning of middle management ranks. From a more positive perspective, automation can free up middle managers from […]

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Business Model Innovation and the Influence of Peer Firms

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Business model innovation (BMI), which introduces significantly new ways of doing or structuring business activities, can disrupt an industry and threaten incumbents whose success is built on the currently dominant business model. However, the assimilation of an innovative upstart’s novel business model is fraught with uncertainty for incumbents, who must ask themselves whether the new […]

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How to Succeed in Business Ecosystems

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Companies once viewed themselves as isolated entities engaged in win-lose battles with opponents for the same set of customers. The technology-driven evolution of business has re-ordered the universe. Today, companies operate as participants in business ecosystems in which they engage with a broad and diverse set of partners in a range of different types of […]

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The Four Business Models Based on Customer Interactions

Image by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

An ongoing collaborative research project, led by Bayes Business School professor Charles Baden-Fuller and involving scholars from around the world, has developed a fundamental typology of business models based on customer interactions. These interactions can be either dyadic—involving interactions with one customer group—or triadic, involving interactions with two customer groups who are each interacting with […]

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Super-Fluid Companies Keep Pace with Customer Needs

Many companies struggle to keep up with today’s supercharged, constantly evolving competitive markets, where customers needs, products and technologies change at ever-increasing speed. An in-depth study of the global telecom equipment leader Huawei Technologies by researchers from Cambridge University’s Judge Business School and China’s Zhejiang University’s School of Management offers a detailed lesson in what […]

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How to Leverage Organizational’ Cultural Toolkit’ for Change

Significant developments such as new strategies, new competitive pressures, or new leadership often require changes to a company’s organizational culture. This undertaking, however, is complicated by the amorphous nature of organizational culture as an invisible but pervasive force guiding how people think and behave, rather than a tangible and clearly defined facet of the company […]

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How to Align Conflicting Corporate Strategies to Functions

Corporate strategy rarely offers a clear and unified directive for the company’s functions and business units. Instead, companies often have competing sets of corporate strategies. In a study based on the product development activities of a large food company, researchers from Oregon State University and the University of Auckland demonstrate that strategic alignment challenges can […]

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