"What makes a good leader?" is one of the most asked and researched questions of the past few decades. Finding a convincing answer is both more important now than ever and more difficult because we live in a world where an increasing amount of information is being produced and communicated. According to Professor Patrick Bolton, […]
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Stepping away from the traditional, overwhelming lists of ideal characteristics for leaders, let’s examine how leadership actually happens. The ‘whole system’ perspective in this Idea, show us that leadership happens in the interactions and exchanges among people with shared work. Specifically, we can highlight three outcomes those interactions should yield: making direction, alignment, and commitment […]
Read More… from Aligning the Organization to Let Leadership Happen
It is useful for us to analyse levels of employee engagement in organizations both during and in post-recession environments. Here we can define ‘engagement’ as satisfaction with job and commitment to the organization. It would seem likely that a workforce would be less engaged in their work – as well as less happy overall – […]
Read More… from Keeping Employee Engagement High in Tough Times
It is no secret that Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are unlike previous generations; their careers have been affected by different factors to their predecessors, such as the recent financial crisis — which left high levels of unemployment in young adults — and more widespread use of the latest technology than ever before. So, […]
Read More… from Attracting, Developing and Retaining Millennials
It is universally acknowledged; we hear our most successful leaders espouse its importance all the time – but ‘trust’ in an organization can be infuriatingly intangible, and a slippery thing to quantify indeed. What we do know is that trust is vital to success – while on the other hand distrust can be disastrous; leading […]
Read More… from Creating a Culture of Trust in Organizations
What is ‘shared leadership’? How is it fostered and developed, and what insight can be taken from musicians about this phenomena? This Idea looks at the performance practices of musicians and the leadership challenges that arise in this field to explain why a single responsible leader within a hierarchical system can lead to problems within […]
Read More… from Ensemble Leadership: Lessons from the Orchestra Pit
Change is frequently experienced as a risky transition in today’s organizations. The impact of the failure of a change initiative can be high; as such, managers and leaders have to get to grips with what change is about, and learn how to manage it successfully. Recognizing this and drawing on research by members of Cranfield […]
Read More… from Establishing Sustainable Change in Organizations
Most companies now understand the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and recognize it as a tool to strengthen their businesses while contributing to society at the same time. The challenge they now face is how to deliver CSR strategies and create real value. This Idea offers suggestions to help executives move towards policies that […]
Read More… from CSR: Creating Value through Partnerships
Any one of us can fall prey to ethical fading or cognitive bias and any one of us can make an inappropriate decision without realizing. These are not the sole preserve of ‘black hat’ managers or ‘the bad guys’. These are challenges faced by top management teams the world over as they strive to create […]
Read More… from Creating a High Integrity Corporate Culture