
Working Paper Archives - Page 3 of 5 - Ideas for Leaders

How Reference Points Motivate Us

The use of reference points — for example, a monthly sales quota of 20 sales — is at the heart of reference-dependent behavioural economic theories, the most influential being “prospect theory.” According to prospect theory, an outcome is evaluated based on a reference point. Failure to achieve the reference point (19 sales instead of 20) […]

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Search Engine Marketing: Does it Pay?

Traditional advertising has always been one of the largest expenditures for organizations; take Procter & Gamble for example, which reportedly spent just under $2.95 billion on advertising in 2011 alone. In recent years a significant amount of this expenditure has shifted to internet advertising which has witnessed massive growth. Of the different forms of internet […]

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IP Management Strategies for Profiting from Business Model Innovation

A company’s business model is the ultimate measure by which it is judged, as it expresses the underlying logic of its business. Most importantly, it explains how it creates and captures value—something The Economist describes as a company’s raison d'être. So how do you ensure something so important remains secure from competition? One way is […]

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Bad Weather Means Better Productivity

Seasonal depression is well-known and has traditionally been easy to recognize: difficulty concentrating, low levels of energy, etc. — all related to bleak winter weather conditions. So naturally, it follows that we assume the opposite in weather conditions leads to positive outcomes. Indeed, some previous studies have found this link to be true, linking good […]

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If the Price is Right: Charging for Online Content

Plummeting advertising revenues have led many online content providers to experiment with additional sources of revenue. Most often, firms aim to compensate for a loss in advertising revenues by charging consumers for access to online content. However, such a choice is not straightforward since subscription fees typically deter customers, further reducing advertising revenues. Acknowledging the […]

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