
Academy of Management Annals Archives - Ideas for Leaders

Why You Should Not Depend on a Single Leadership Style

Photo by Drparas01, 2022 (Source Wikimedia Commons)

The leadership field is filled with suggested approaches, principles, and behaviours for effective leadership, often grouped into different leadership styles. Authentic leadership, charismatic leadership, empowering leadership, servant leadership, instrumental leadership, and transformational leadership are a few of the more popular leadership styles that proponents argue will make you effective, successful, and beloved by your people. […]

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The Listening Paradox: Why Listening Is Often Difficult

Photo by Franco Antonio Giovanella on Unsplash

How does one listen well? The answer—as revealed in an exhaustive review of the listening research published between 2000 and 2021—is often built on the speaker’s perception. For example, some common signs of a good listener include: acknowledging the speaker through non-verbal reactions (nodding the head) or verbal reactions (“hmm,” “yes”); continuing to watch the […]

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