Self-determination theory describes four types of motivation, moving on a spectrum from other-directed to self-directed. External motivation is at the other-directed end of the spectrum. Motivation is based on what others can give you (e.g. money, promotions, stock options and even praise) or what others can take away (e.g. demotion, termination). Introjected motivation is more […]
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Traditionally, research on leadership development has put behavioural competencies under the spotlight; training, coaching, on-the-job experiences and mentoring are all intended to facilitate the development of these behaviours. But are these models too simplistic and incomplete for today’s complex business environment? In a White Paper published by the Center for Creative Leadership, Marian N. Ruderman, […]
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What are the factors that affect the boundaries between your work and personal life? By understanding those individual work/life patterns and preferences, new strategies can be identified and small changes made that can make a person more engaged, more energised and more effective both on and off the job. By gaining a clearer picture of […]
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